Nume în joc și rank: SlashX, Rank 4
Data și ora: 17:07:2022 - Duminica ora 21:45
Tipul activității: Fight Club - Brawl 1v1
Premiile activității: Locul 1 : 150.000$ + Raport Optional, Locul 2: 100.000$ + raport injumatatit, Locul 3: 50.000$ + posibilitatea de a purta orice skin din factiune o saptamana
Prezenta (obligatorie/opționala):Obligatorie
Reguli activitate:
Ne vom strange la HQ, vom face prezenta iar apoi ne vom deplasa spre Gym LV. Aici participiantii vor forma o linie si vor fi extrasi in prima etapa, dand cu zarul (precum la ruleta ruseasca) cate doi pentru a se duela intr-un brawl, 1v1. Orice stil de lupta este permis, insa nu sunt permise arme de niciun fel. Participantii care vor fugi in cercuri vor fi descalificati. Castigatorii rundelor se vor alinia la perete, pentru a trece in etapa urmatoare. Cine este eliminat nu mai trebuie sa se intoarca la Gym LV si este considerat liber, exceptie fiind cazul in care doreste sa ramana spectator. Inainte de finala, se va juca si finala mica (locurile 3 si 4) pentru premiul 3.
Detalii despre desfășurarea activitați: Activitatea se va desfasura la Gym LV.
Alte precizări: "The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club."
Name and rank: SlashX, Rank 4
Date and time: 17:07:2022 - Sunday at 21:45
The type of activity: Fight Club - Brawl 1v1
Prize: First place: 150.000$ + optional raport, second place: 100.000$ + halved raport, third place: 50.000$ + the option to wear any skin from the faction for one week
Presence (mandatory / optional) Mandatory
Activity rules: We will gather at the HQ, will do the presence and then we'll head to Gym LV. There, the participants will make a line and two of them will be selected, by rolling a dice. (Like in the Russian Roulette events), for competing in a 1v1 brawl against each other. Any fighting style is allowed, but weapons of any kind are forbidden. The participants that are going to run in circlers will be disqualified. The winners of each round will allign at the wall in a line, for competing in the next round. Whoever is eliminated may leave and not come back to the Gym, unless he wants to watch the rest of the event. Before the grand final, there will be a small one (between the 3rd and 4th places) for the third prize.
Details of the activities: The activity will take place at Gym LV.
Other specifications: "The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club."