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Everything posted by ChristopherPaig

  1. Since the Diablo IV devs have built rewards around PVP zones this time, maybe they're thinking the community will adapt around OP builds by: Grouping up against OP players griefing/dominating; and/or Groups having characters that specifically CC players (stuns, knock-down, debuffs, walls etc). My opinion is: PVP in Diablo IV is never going to be balanced. The entire notion of "balanced" pvp in a game as variable as Diablo IV is absurd. There are simply too many builds/gear combinations to ever have a balanced pvp experience. If you want a game with balanced pvp, play one with very little variance between players like Counterstrike. As such, the only real difference between players is player skill. The point of PVP in Diablo IV is a place to simply go, turn your brain off, and smash on some other players for a bit. That's it. If you get some cool Diablo IV Items/skins for your horse mount, cool. You'll probably get steamrolled by some "OP build" and want to complain about it on the internet. Too bad. That'll never change. Expecting anything more is simply an exercise in futility. In League of Legends, a game entirely balanced around PVP and designed by one of the most successful multiplayer developers in history, the majority of the game's roster is considered "non viable" for competitive play at any given time and this has been true for a decade. Just accept the fact that ARPGs, which have even more variability between characters than MOBAs, are an inherently unbalanced game genre and have fun with it. Source: https://diablo4.blizzard.com/
  2. 1. Console feel I am a PC gamer. I communicate with the machine through keyboard and mouse. And if a key is not working properly or my mouse has dust beneath it, it is of utmost importance for me to fix these, because besides being a PC gamer, I am also a competitive gamer. The most competitive games online have a top-down view and I am extremely happy this is the case in Diablo 4, just as it was in previous games from the series. An isometric top-down view compared to other types of views allows the player to have a full awareness of what is going on around him. Such kind of view is great for games with complex and diverse paths. But do we have such in Diablo 4? From what I saw of the gameplay shown at the panels, the dungeon corridors and paths are linear and narrow. Just as in console games. It creates the feeling that you are going through a tunnel made by some evil trapper, not randomly spawned by nature. This tunnel is the same no matter if you go left or right - its size, width and appearance are not that random as these would be in nature. Maybe this kind of stuff is not that common to witness, but my fear is that the random procedural map/tiles generator is not on the level I want it to be. Or it is, but it is creating console-like environments, because consoles have more priority than PC profits wise. Diablo 4 needs superb randomization of map areas, zones and dungeons. This should be always a top priority for an aRPG game, especially one of the caliber of Diablo 4. I wrote many times the random generation of maps in D3 lacks quality. I don't want to witness the same in Diablo 4. Another console-like feature in Diablo 4 is the UI. One of the most hated D3 features from all the community was its UI. Why not simply give us the freedom to move the UI in Diablo 4 as we want it to be? I for example want my skill bar in center bottom. Other person would want it in different position. Some would prefer life/mana orbs in top left, while the map in bottom left. Why lock everyone in a console-like UI? If your concern is competition related, then simply give us 5-6 options for UI we can switch between. The majority of PC players will surely prefer a different one than console players. And your game will look great on Twitch no matter the UI positions. Don't lock everyone within the same UI! Last in this section are the flashing effects when hitting enemies. If I want flashing effects every second I'd go to a trance party, the music there is better kappa. Again, as many of us mentioned thousands times in the D3 topics - the solution is pretty simple - give us an option to turn off the flashing effects. Allow us to experience the Diablo 4 world without constant flashes when fighting. It may look cool on Twitch and promote your game, but think about those people like me who find this annoying. 2. Seasonal experience The Seasonal experience in Diablo 4 will be the game's main focus. The itemization, which I am discussing in next chapter, and other systems in the game speak for this pretty well. The Diablo 4 team wants the players to have different gameplay experience with each new Season by creating unique Seasonal mechanics serving for meta game shifts. Finally! Seasons will feel different than Non-Season and the item farming and build priorities will switch not due to power creep rather due to new interesting mechanics introduced with each new Season! Very, very cool! This however means the dedicated NS players will be somewhat left behind compared to D3, but is this really a problem if everyone is having much more fun due to completely fresh Seasonal experience changing on regular basis? What that regular basis would be, namely would Seasons refresh each month, or each two or three months is still unknown and will largely depend on how popular the game would be. The more popular and played Diablo 4 becomes, the more shorter Seasons we might enjoy since the Diablo 4 team would become larger and capable of delivering us more content per year. Personally I would enjoy a flat one month Seasons as in Hearthstone. Here is what I would like to see from such monthly Seasonal experience: - During first week the player is making the step to legendary items - During second week the player is creating his endgame build with legendary items - During third week the competitive player is ranking at the LB, while other players continue to improve their characters - During last week a major world event with multiple world Bosses happens in-game and all players aim to finish that event together as a team fighting separately through the world, which is now cursed and each player receives unpredictable unique changes to his own skills, which will be there until all world Bosses are alive aka Season's end Such world event at the end of the Season would serve for new gameplay experience for all groups of players accessible only during that time of the Season. In-game AI could properly "evolve" each character's skill bar into new one depending on how the player interacted with the game environment until now. Source-article link: https://www.diablo4item.com/
  3. We play with the same 25 every week and gear is split mostly evenly. When LL drops everyone assumed it'd go to the warrior as he as UP sword. Pally w Broken promise, DK w Inevitable defeat, unholy DK passes and said he'd get the next one. DK tank wanted to roll on it, we say with parry haste double LL is BiS on maybe a few fights, so we're sticking with the decision, he could have it after others. He puts the message in insulting us then gquits. Parry Haste is boss-dependent, not all bosses do this. It is unclear which bosses may Parry Haste in Ulduar, as technically, the patch we are on removed this, but it has still been noticed. Typically, dragon bosses like Sindragosa, Razorscale, or Halion would parry haste, but in reality, we just don't really know how much gold we need yet. More info at SSEGold.com. In addition, for a BDK, weapons are stat sticks, you don't gear to do damage as Blood. Your rotation changes, instead of Blood Striking you use Blood Boil for Blood Rune spending as it scales better when DWing. But the damage is beside the point, these are defensive/hit stat sticks, and ideally, you want as many gear options going into harder content (Ulduar) as possible. Current content isn't really the concern.
  4. WotLK is considered by many fans to be the best expansion, mainly because the story told in Warcraft III finally comes to an end here. Arthas Menethil, the Lich King and one of WoW’s biggest and most popular villains, serves as the final boss here. Throughout the addon, you will battle the undead Scourge commanded by Arthas and work towards toppling the Lich King from his frozen throne. WotLK is a gathering of big names in WoW history, like Jaina Proudmoore, Bolvar Fordragon, Alexstrasza and Varok Saurfang, who will support you in the campaign. The whole war with the grand finale against Arthas is considered one of the best stories Blizzard has ever told. Appropriately, there is also the legendary cutscene “Worth Gate” in WotLK, the first WoW in-game cinematic ever: WOW WotLK Classic: The Wrath Gate In addition, the first hero class and the first new class ever appeared with WotLK: the death knight. He got his own starting area, his own mount and, unlike everyone else, was allowed to start the game at a higher level.
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