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South Antycus

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Status Replies posted by South Antycus

  1. Uaaaau.. se maturizează lumea de pe comunitate. :O

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Ai baut clor, pe ce comunitate erai, ca pe B-zone sigur nu:))

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Multa bafta celor care au BAC-ul, aveti grija ce faceti!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      BAC-ul e probabil sa-l dai, dar e probabil sa-l iei?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Membru N.G. since 21.04.2015

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Astept sa iti iau live pentru lider/sublider:))!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Nu stiu ce te apuca, ca eu nu am intrebat si nici nu am zis nimic referitor la asta:))

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  5. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

  6. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Nu da cu piatra in geam ca nu e bicicleta ta Meta:)) Vedem.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  7. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

  8. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

  9. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Prea multa bataie de cap, trebuie sa vina totul de la sine...

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  10. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      FVI, mi-am dat seama de multe si m-a schimbat ultima "experienta" sa zic asa. Multumesc si pot sa zic ca nu ma cunosti mai de loc dupa ultima "Schimbare".


      Aure, multumesc!

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  11. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Multumesc, pai nu stiu, asta ramane de vazut, nu depinde doar de mine:))

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  12. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

  13. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

  14. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Nu se stie, vad ce se mai intampla, poate se iveste ceva si in alta parte, totul e posibil:))

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  15. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Daca te mariti cu mine, te iau la mine in palat, ca asa iti sta tie bine, nevasta de imparat:))

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  16. 13.04.2014-13.04.2015. 1 an de Tow Truck Company!

    1. South Antycus

      South Antycus

      Padre, check log, cum poate nu:))?


      Ynna, tu o sa ai mereu loc aici:D


      Durdy, merci vtm:*!

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

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