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    Turcanu Claudiu

Turcanu's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)



  1. Nickname: Turcanu Rank: 1 Numar comenzi reusite: 52 Numar teste date: - Poze: http://imgur.com/a/RKkL6
  2. Nickname: Turcanu Rank: 1 Numar comenzi reusite: 52 Numar teste date: - Poze: http://imgur.com/a/Q1uOm
  3. Nickname: Turcanu Rank: 1 Numar comenzi reusite: 55 Numar teste date: - Poze: http://imgur.com/a/YDGCa
  4. Buna dimineata! Va doresc o zi buna si plina de comenzi. Mult noroc!
  5. Raport de Activitate numarul:2 Nume:Turcanu Rank:1 Numar de comenzi efectuate:128 Numar de teste date:0 Punctaj per total:128 Zile inactive cu cerere:0 Link:https://plus.google.com/photos/111246689637904697798/albums/5938812334775635473?banner=pwa
  6. Nick:Turcanu Rank:Rank 1 Propunere: Propun ca la pagina Cabbie of the week , Cabbie of the weeek-end sa se puna intrevalul de timp cand va avea loc.(De exemplu Cabbie of the week din ziua x,ora y pana la...) Multumesc!
  7. Neatza lume.Va doresc o zi buna si plina de comenzi:D
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