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Dejan88 MMA

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About Dejan88 MMA

  • Birthday 03/07/1990

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Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. 9 3 . 1 1 9 . 3 0 . 5 3 : 7 7 7 7 [saints-Network AGAIN WORK] ! FUCK YOU KELTON!

  2. [GF]Vlad. you are one small kid. You know why.

  3. Христос Воскресе !

    1. GF Sasa Sale

      GF Sasa Sale

      Ваистину Воскресе!

  4. Христос Воскресе !

    1. Nikola Jokic

      Nikola Jokic

      Ваистину Воскресе!

    2. ukizalanje


      Ваистину Воскресе!

  5. 13.03.2013. register on bz.

    1. Rozay


      how you doing SI leader? hehe

    2. Dejan88 MMA

      Dejan88 MMA

      Pro :) But i not play anywhere :)

  6. Nickname: Dejan88 • Previous nicknames: - • Since when are you playing SA-MP on B-Zone ?: 11+ months • Level: 45 • Real age: 20 • (Real) Gender: Male • Number of ingame warnings and the reason you got them: 1/3 [caps lock /ad LOW LVL] • Were you ever banned? If yes, why?: - • Previous factions and the rank you had in them (in order): 1. 69 Pier Mobs (rank 2) 2. LSPD (rank 1) 3. SFPD (rank 3) 4. Vietnamese Boys (rank 1) 5. Southern Pimps (rank 2) 6. SFPD (rank 1) 7. LSPD (rank 1) 8. National Guard (rank 1) 9. The Tsar Bratva (rank 1) 10. FBI (rank 2) 11. Green Street Bloods (rank 2) 12.SFPD (rank 1) • Why did you leave the last two factions and the dates you left them in?: GSB (2) I leave because don't have time for war (School at war), SFPD (1) try to jin in Hitman. • Resignation link to the last two factions you have been in (if any): SFPD http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/122577-sf-police-department-demisii-resignations/ Green Street Blods http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/13080-green-street-bloods-demisii-resignations/ • Have you been a member of any department? If yes, why did you leave it?: Yes.I was 7x and can't explain for all it. • Are you active on the forum?: Yes. • Do you understand that the Police Department is a very serious department and you need to have a very good attitude and language?: Yes. • Do you understand that if you don’t stay for at least two weeks in PD you will be kicked out with 60 Faction Punish?: Yes • Did you read the Police Department Rules and the other important threads and do you agree to be punished for breaking these rules?: Yes • Why do you want to join the Police Department?: Cuz it's my faction,and i want stay here a lot of time. • Are you capable of teamwork ? Yes • A screenshot with /stats, detective skill and /time (obligatory): http://s29.postimg.org/htq9ihwk7/sa_mp_006.png • How many hours do you play daily withouth being AFK?: 7-12h. • You are on the BlackList at a faction?: Never. • If yes, you agree to pay to be removed from it?: Yes • A short characterisation of yourself: Hello. I'm from Serbia,Belgrade.I'm Serious and good person.I like play games,Train MMA,BOX and KICK BOXING (i'm fighter). Like good and normal guys,i want help this guys. See you in LVPD.
  7. Name the game : Dejan88 Level: 45 Age (real ) : 20 Sex ( Male / Female ) : Male How long play on the server ? : 11 Months Previous factions : 1. 69 Pier Mobs (rank 2) 2. LSPD (rank 1) 3. SFPD (rank 3) 4. Vietnamese Boys (rank 1) 5. Southern Pimps (rank 2) 6. SFPD (rank 1) 7. LSPD (rank 1) 8. National Guard (rank 1) 9. The Tsar Bratva (rank 1) 10. FBI (rank 2) 11. Green Street Bloods (rank 2) 12.SFPD (rank 1) Rank the last factor (specific and faction ) : SFPD (rank 1) The reason you left / were dismissed former faction : Leave because i want try to enter in Hitmen. The highest rank was in a faction ( faction Specify ) : SFPD (rank 3) Why you want to join the agency ? : Because this is most respected Faction. I like this behavior. What you consider that handle this agency ? : Murder for Money ! You know you read the rules Hitman Agency and at least once Info , orders and Agency skins ? : Yes. You understand that we are an agency of assassins seriousness and jokes and nonsense not to have a purpose ? : Yes. Did you have a history/conflicts of one or more members of Hitman Agency ? : Never. Have you ever been a member Hitman: No. Reason for exit / dismissal of Hitman ( in case you've been ) : Only if leader kick me. How many hours per day you give this game without afk ? : 10+ (when i'm not civil) Nicknames previous / previous accounts : - Consider that you have the ability to perform a contract without problems? : Yes i can. You have the ability to write grammatically correct ? : Yes. Picture of / stats (civil + binding to occur and / time when it is made ​​) and detective skills to : http://s17.postimg.org/5ezs15lkv/sa_mp_005.png How many warns you in the game? ( specify why) : 1/3 [Caps lock on /ad] Have you ever been banned from any particular reason? ( Indicates and why) : Transfer Ilegal You're on BlackList of a faction ? ( Specify which ) : Never. Are you willing to pay to be removed from the eventual BlackList ? : Yes. Other specifications ? : Thanks.
  8. One dream! 11.000 rpm
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