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  1. Ha..Ha..Ha.. I can't stop laughing to see this report -> http://rpg.b-zone.ro/players/report/4456 || He could move its in to the safe place. Ha.Ha.Ha, somebody please help him in the game, give him a Vodka (y)

  2. really realy good video... the next video, i suggest you to make the excellent assassin. e.g Hitman or something. So, kevin will be die when kristen is going somewhere, and when she called kevin, police will call kristen that kevin has dead and death of him is secret of police departement. Hitman and police departement have make a conspiration.
  3. -- Nume: Yok[baR] -- Level: 15 -- RPG Bar sau poza cu [/stats] -- Facţiunea din faci parte: Civilian -- Am citit şi lua la cunoştinţă regulile prezentate în primul post al topicului: Yes -- Alte precizări: Cows please!
  4. How to upload a image faster than normally ? || Visit http://slink.url.ph/imgupload/ || Drag n Drop, Choose File and Server, Press Upload !!! Easy and Fast ! Supported by BaR Clan, RPG1.b-zone.ro

    1. Carn
    2. YoK BaR

      YoK BaR

      i suggest to use imgur server.

  5. I am return as Newbie with Yok ID too ;)

  6. I love this Server. But, I hate someone. I really hate ! Thx for All Admins, and BaR Clan. I miss you forever. You Ban this ID Forum too :(

    1. South aNas

      South aNas

      ur leaving ?


    2. YoK BaR

      YoK BaR

      Yok account has sabotaged and havr banned permanently. Thx all

  7. Move to Right Path ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. YoK BaR

      YoK BaR

      Heiii Mitsos Zeroo hahahah

      Banned Permanent because Scamming ! Noobs

    3. m i t s o S

      m i t s o S

      Hey Yok,banned more than 10 accounts because you are an idiot! Noob

    4. YoK BaR

      YoK BaR

      10 accounts ? Show me the proofs.

      Don't be an idiot player :v :v :v

  8. Sell Exclusive Mod | ● 4 Features | PM Me !

  9. Don't be arrogant, if you are an Admin ! Keep It !!!

  10. I am always use my own program, even this server will destroyed by me !

  11. I am not a cheater, I am not use cheats, and I am not cheat. But, i am |

  12. === Own Mail | Anti Spionage of NSA===http://injection.uni.me/ownmail/

  13. I've come back for this game :)

  14. @@FlorinHBK, @, I am confusing about this rules. Why am i blacklist by hitman ? Can you give a reason ?
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