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WG AmiGo

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Everything posted by WG AmiGo

  1. Eied mobaruk to all muslmes! :) Happy Eied :*

    1. C a s s i o

      C a s s i o

      kol 3am t3aydo bsa7aa w lahnaa!


    2. oC Tro.Palestine
  2. Nice Photos guys, i hope there is more exmples, thanks for your job
  3. @, Thanks for your work but i need more Exmples
  4. Nick: Amigo. Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo): Logo Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnatura): - Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine): i need good one, good logo about 69 Pier Text: 69 Pier mobs, Do not Mess with us ' cause we will mess you up Dimensiuni: - Alte precizari: i dont think that is theme tandom because it's important for me
  5. Nick: Amigo. Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo): Logo Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnatura): - Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine): Orice sa dea bine la about me. Text: 69 Pier mobs Amigo RPG3 Leader Dimensiuni: - Alte precizari: good luck i hope get best logo
  6. Baaa Back to the hell Hitmans life is *** with Clauddia, thanks naba for chance =)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WG AmiGo
    3. B4L AdytZZa

      B4L AdytZZa

      it's just a joke, you need to be civilian or banned

    4. WG AmiGo

      WG AmiGo

      come with me better for you nab

  7. 23.08.2016 RPG3 69 Pier Mobs Leader Thanks staff :*

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. C a s s i o

      C a s s i o

      Be a good leader and keep your account safty or we kick u out :*

    3. uS Draxler
    4. JoHaR


      Congratulations!! :* And GG!


  8. Name: Amigo. Rank:1 Proof: http://imgur.com/a/BGtYE Anything Else: good luck bro
  9. • Nick: Amigo. • Level:66 • Rank:1 • What can you not attend this week?: Meeting / Activity meeting • Date of meeting / activity (DD/MM/YYYY): 10/8/2016 • Reason: in that time, i'm not at home • Anything else?: u think this meeting is optinel but make absent request better
  10. 08.08.2016 Sf school Instructors under Boss(6) RPG2., Thanks Walid :*

  11. 05.08.2016 69 Pier mobs Regional Officer (6) RPG3, Thanks Charles! :*

  12. 05.08.2016 Regional Officer (6) RPG3, Thanks Charles! :*

  13. Nick: Amigo. Rank: 1 Activitatea la care te invoiesti (Sedinta / Antrenament / War / Evidenta War / Alta activitate):wars Motivul invoirii:i have problems with network i hope fix it before wars Data activitatii la care nu poti veni:22.07.2016 Numarul de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2 Alte precizari: good luck
  14. 20.07.2016 LV taxi Company Manager(6) Thanks Zupp :))

  15. Hello guys, i'm new member here in TTB i hope we spent greate Time, thanks joker for chance
  16. Nick: Amigo. Rank: 2. The reason for your absence: Server problem, rpg2 dosne't work at me, if he work i will join The wars date: 07/07/2016. Total number of pass requests this week: 1/2.
  17. Nick: Amigo. Rank: 1 The reason for your absence: at the time of war i'm busy i have a match as you know i need to be present there, so bro i will try my best to finish it and come to play same wars The wars date: 27.06.2016 Total number of pass requests this week: 1/3
  18. Nick: Amigo. Rank : Regional Officier (6) i gave test with: Kais Results of the theoretical test ( x/3 ): 0/3. Results of the pratical test(guns)( x/5 ): 4/5. Final reuslt: Passed Other useful information?: Welcome.
  19. Nick: Amigo. Rank: 3 Actiune namecover: Wanted pentru Posesie / folosire droguri Actiuni efectuate in saptamana: 30.05.2016 - 05.06.2016 Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/aY3vy Alte precizari:
  20. Nick: Amigo. Rank: 2 Actiune namecover: Wanted pentru Posesie/Folosire Deoguri Actiuni efectuate in saptamana: 23.05.2016 - 29.05.2016 Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/YnZNA Alte precizari:
  21. Nick: Amigo. Rank: 2 Actiune namecover: Wanted pentru Posesie / folosire droguri Actiuni efectuate in saptamana: 16.05.2016 - 22.05.2016 Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/7LXLR A te precizari:
  22. Nick: Amigo. Rank: 2 Actiune namecover: Wanted pentru Posesie / folosire droguri Actiuni efectuate in saptamana: 8.05.2016 - 15.05.2016 Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/bXdCj Alte precizari: good luck
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