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MadalinArt's Achievements

Proficient (10/14)
About Me
*Poza de la avatar, acesta sunt eu și mă mândresc cu mine. Nu-mi pasă de ce spun alții, eu mă iubesc pe mine însămi, cui nu-i place să nu se uite.
Joined Tow Truck Company - 20.09.2014
Left Tow Truck Company - 04.10.2014
Joined News Repoters - 11.10.2014
Got rank 2 News Reporters - 28.10.2014
Left News Reporters - 12.11.2014
Joined School Instructors - 16.11.2014
Left School Instructors - 01.12.2014
First register and login on server - 28.11.2014
Promoted to level 2 - 29.11.2014
Promoted to level 3 - 29.11.2014
Promoted to level 4 - 30.11.2014
Promoted to level 5 - 01.12.2014
Promoted to level 6 - 03.12.2014
Joined the clan Going Quantum - 03.12.2014 - lider Leventhe
Promoted to level 7 - 04.12.2014
Promoted to level 8 - 07.12.2014
Got rank 4 clan Going Quantum - 07.12.2014
Promoted to level 9 - 08.12.2014
Promoted to level 10 - 11.12.2014
Got rank 5 clan Going Quantum - 14.12.2014
Promoted to level 11 - 16.12.2014
Left clan Going Quantum - 16.11.2014 (desființare)
Joined News Repoters - 17.12.2014
Promoted to level 12 - 21.12.2014
Joined the clan ROYAL - 22.12.2014 - lider George&Vlad.
Promoted to level 13 - 25.12.2014
Left clan ROYAL - 27.11.2014 (desființare)
Joined the clan Over Power - 22.12.2014 - lider GHz.OuT
Revenire - 04.03.2014