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  1. Manipulare Resurse folosite: Final:
  2. Forum avatars: Render signatures: Collaborations: Logos(illustrator): AI+PS: Livestream overlay: http://i.imgur.com/N64PwXV.png Photoshop manipulation: Resources: Final form: Manipulation: start: final: Forum banners:
  3. League of Legends loading screen concept.
  4. BRUSHSTRIKE Regular New Logo: and new avatar for me:
  5. Full PROJECT TEAM league of legends renders: Lucian: Leona: Zed: Master Yi: Fiora: Yasuo:
  6. Manipulare: Start: http://jamesb.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/meteorCrater-X22.jpg Final: (fuck imgur, low quality) http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn180/iNvidie/manipularesatan_zpshbqv9w0a.png
  7. Collab render signature. http://i62.tinypic.com/t4y7hw.png
  8. am incercat ceva coloristica pe batman. not a good idea.
  9. Frumos, multumesc de post-hunt, idiot!
  10. Render: Hannibal avatars:
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