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Everything posted by HouR

  1. Nick Lider: HouR Nick-ul câștigătorului: xKay. Rank-ul câștigătorului: 3 Numărul punctelor: 92 Săptămâna: 08.05.2023 - 14.05.2023 Dovezi: https://postimg.cc/DJ6Wn4FN
  2. Nick Lider: HouR Nick-ul câștigătorului: Archer Rank-ul câștigătorului: 3 Numărul punctelor: 270 Săptămâna: 10.04.2023 - 16.04.2023 Dovezi: https://postimg.cc/14vX0Z23
  3. Nick: HouR Rank: 6 Am dat test cu: Daniel Data testului: 11.04.2023 Admis / Respins: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 8/8 Alte precizări: Felicitari!
  4. Nick: HouR Rank: 6 Am dat test cu:_DeNiS_45 Data testului: 02.04.2023 Admis / Respins: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 8/8 Alte precizări: Felicitari!
  5. Cerere acceptata!Contacteaza un rank 5+ pentru a sustine testele. Cerere acceptata!Contacteaza un rank 5+ pentru a sustine testele.
  6. Evidenta rapoarte luna Martie (27.02.2023 - 26.03.2023) Chief (Leader): [AIM]Replay - 0 Assistant Chief (6): adyy[ToV] - 0 [AIM]HouR - 23 Captain (5): [AIM]GAARA - 145 [FBI]I_Alex_I - 228 [AIM]Clau[D]iu - 203 [MMC]RM0FTSK[MMC] - 166 AnTiDoT[VODA] - 166 lbracadabra[BanH] - 129 [AIM]DaNnNy. - 202 [AIM]xGobi - 150 [AIM]Dejan.PUNISHER - 184 [F4L]Berlin.. - 78 [AIM]Flavius_... - 174 [aS].Cristina.. - 154 Pedro[ToV] - 126 [TLG]Bogdan_Mihai - 189 Victim_Vodka[ToV] - 298 J.Clarkson[ToV] - 331 Lieutenant (4): - Sergeant (3): [eS]Krozz - 97 [uN]Foshky - 145 [uN]Maria31.1 - 130 Detective (2): AbRaKaDaBrA - 65 RZNM - 323 [uN][RG]UrDocK - 131 [uS]_DeNiS_45 - 164 [AIM]SerkaNN. - 156 [uN]xKay. - 59 [SoA]doddutz - 27 Archer - 175 Daniel - 236 [uN]Tartor. - 84 [uM]YAMAN.V2 - 173 Officer(1): [uN]AlbertoMAGIC - 0 [uN]RobertSKT - 0 Locul 1: J.Clarkson[ToV] - 331 Locul 2: RZNM - 323 Locul 3: Victim_Vodka[ToV] - 298 Il puteti contacta pe lider, pe forum sau pe Discord (ReplayNo#8869) pentru revendicarea premiilor in orice saptamana din luna Aprilie. Premiile sunt urmatoarele: - Raport Optional; - Raport Injumatatit; - Invoire Antrenament. Atentie: Locul 1 are voie sa aleaga unul din cele 3 premii; Locul 2 are dreptul sa aleaga dintre cele 2 premii ramase, iar locul 3 o sa primeasca ultimul premiu ramas.
  7. Name: HouR Rank: 3 I want in team: SWAT The reason: Vreau sa incerc ceva nou Another specifications: Multumesc.
  8. Nume: HouR Rank: 4 Acțiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/zYLjvSy Numărul de acțiuni namecover: 1x posesie/folosire droguri și confiscate Alte precizări: Multumesc
  9. Nume: HouR Rank: 3 Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/svt0RnC https://imgur.com/a/6Wsk2fk Numarul de actiuni namecover: x2 posesie/folosire drugs si confiscate Alte precizari: Multumesc
  10. Nume: HouR Rank: 3 Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/QXvRnIC https://imgur.com/a/LygXGHq Numarul de actiuni namecover: x2 posesie/folosire drugs si confiscate Alte precizari: -
  11. Nume: HouR Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://postimg.cc/gallery/NfxqjKd Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 posesie/folosire drugs si confiscate Alte precizari: -
  12. Nick: HouR Level: 122 Age (real): I am 22 years old. Gender(real): Male. How old are you on the server?: I have playing in B-Zone since 2013, So 9 years. RPG profile link: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/HouR Did you been Mayor in the past?: With account another, Yes I became mayor once. The reason you want to become a Mayor: Mayor is my favorite function and I like it because I can help the players more and make many events for them and I enjoy this work, I am an active and experienced player and this makes me able to do this job better. What I intend to do for other players.: I will keep the taxes $1 for the majority I will make at least one Special event per day I am very active player so I can help the players And so...
  13. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/BxGEZja
  14. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/RrMlO90
  15. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/EGIlB3D
  16. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/8KaqcN0
  17. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/KBgfKUL
  18. Nume: HouR Contract: https://postimg.cc/2L3qZ0HD
  19. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/Np0Kw81
  20. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/XnZKeVE
  21. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/dcuV4MT
  22. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/Wrp8MoL
  23. Nume: HouR Contract: https://imgur.com/rvSCRMW
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