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About WolfGirl

  • Birthday January 27

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  1. 15.12.2016-23.04.2017 Leader SFSI♔

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LIL CIOCO


      Thanks for giving me that chance. #Remember WolfGirl SFSI Boss

    3. Remusel


      GG galusca!

    4. zL Andrei

      zL Andrei

      #Remember WolfGirl. !!!

  2. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: ZeroAndrei I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: AR incomplete Proofs: AR statistics Other specifications: -
  3. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: freakY_YT I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: DM Proofs: report 32634 Other specifications: -
  4. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: CriSty. I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: Vulgar language Proofs: http://imgur.com/zXaJWrM Other specifications: -
  5. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: DJ.TROLLEA I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: Asking for rankup Proofs: http://imgur.com/a/WQ7dG Other specifications: - Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: TUDDYPLAYS5 I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: Incorrect test Proofs: report 32586 Other specifications: -
  6. I can't change that because it's a server rule. And I don't really think that would be a good idea because there would be too much spam all the time.
  7. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: freakY_YT I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: AR incomplete Proofs: AR statistics Other specifications: - Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: Petrosel123 I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: incorrect testing Proofs: report 32483 Other specifications: -
  8. • Nick: WolfGirl. • Rank: SF Boss • Date of test: 03/04/2017 • Candidate: Lucy. • Score (x/3): 0/3 • Anything else?: new subleader • Nick: WolfGirl. • Rank: SF Boss • Date of test: 03/04/2017 • Candidate: Row • Score (x/3): 0/3 • Anything else?: new subleader
  9. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: Niky_Larson I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: inactivity unnanounced Proofs: http://imgur.com/a/1HVvQ Other specifications: -
  10. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: AWSOMEMAN I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: DM Proofs: report 32285 Other specifications: - Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: Niky_Larson, Laur002, Florin2015 I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: AR incomplete Proofs: AR Statistics Other specifications: -
  11. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: LeSwarknG1 I have sanctioned with a: uninvite with 60/60 Reason: Vulgar language Proofs: report 31748 Other specifications: - Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: ALEXXXKING I have sanctioned with a: 3 FW Reason: Inactivity unannounced Proofs: http://imgur.com/a/Pl45T Other specifications: - Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: Niky_Larson I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: Not stopping the lesson Proofs: report 31810 Other specifications: -
  12. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: FreakyyXx,layerslayer I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: AR incomplete Proofs: AR statistics Other specifications: -
  13. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: NoRisk I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: DM Proofs: report 31676 Other specifications: -
  14. Nick: WolfGirl. Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: Florin2015 I have sanctioned with a: FW Reason: DM Proofs: http://imgur.com/a/qIFrw Other specifications: -
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