Series title: Person of Interest Production years: 2011-2016
Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Crime Fiction, Drama, Science Fiction, Adventure, Police Procedural, Techno-Thriller, and Action Fiction
Number of seasons and episodes: 5 Seasons and a total of 103 Episodes Running time of an episode: 40-45 Minutes Short description: An ex-CIA agent and a mysterious billionaire prevent violent crimes with the help of an all-seeing machine that can predict events before they happen. Personal review: This show is so underrated I Can't stand it, This is the best Crime, Science Fiction show ever made here on Planet Earth (No Cap). The Story revolves around an ex-International Spy (ex-CIA Agent) Alias John Reese and a billionaire named Harold Finch when Harold hires John for his skills to prevent crimes in NYC. I would regret it every day if I hadn't watched this show and knew that such a show existed. This show's stupendous adventure takes you through many emotions and always leaving you craving for more of this goodness. This is my favorite show in the categories its genres lie into. I'd recommend this show every day to you guys because of how good it is.