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B-Zone: Roll the Dice

BTD Capone

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Editia #3


Numere castigatoare: 1/1/2/5/3/2




Lista participanti:


Falaus: 2/2/6/1/3/3 ; 5/5/3/6/4/4 ; 1/1/4/2/6/6 => Al 3-lea bilet castigator (2 numere).

All4you: 4/4/5/1/4/3 ; 6/4/2/4/5/6 ; 1/2/4/6/6/6 => Niciun bilet castigator.

Valirus: 3/3/5/1/4/2 ; 2/6/4/1/5/2 ; 3/5/6/4/1/3 => Niciun bilet castigator.

Seby98: 2/6/3/4/3/5 ; 3/6/4/3/3/2 ; 6/1/5/3/4/5 => Al 2-lea bilet castigator (2 numere).

AlexBz: 2/3/5/4/4/5 ; 3/2/2/3/4/5 ; 6/4/2/6/5/6 => Niciun bilet castigator.

vasyxp: 1/1/2/3/4/5 ; 2/2/3/3/4/4 ; 6/6/6/6/6/6 => Primul bilet castigator (3 numere).

Yusuf: 3/2/2/2/1/1/1 ; 6/6/5/5/3/3 ; 1/2/2/2/2/2 => Al 2-lea & al 3-lea bilet castigator (2 & 3 numere).




3 numere: vasyxp, Yusuf => 30% / 2 = 15% = $1.050.000

2 numere: Falaus, Seby98, Yusuf => 10% / 3 = 3,33% = $233.100



Jackpot-ul pentru urmatoarea extragere este de $4.200.000. Puteti incepe sa postati biletele pentru extragerea de saptamana viitoare.


Modelul de postare este urmatorul:



Bilet 1:

Bilet 2:

Bilet 3:

Screenshot cu /transfer:

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Nickname: Vlad.

Factiune/level: Civil / 16

Bilet 1: 2/5/6/2/1/2

Bilet 2: 5/2/3/4/1/5

Bilet 3:

Screenshot transfer: http://postimage.org/image/aqgxb9ou7/

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Edited by BTD Zokee
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