Popular Post Mastertrap21 Posted February 6, 2013 Popular Post Share Posted February 6, 2013 Română Datorita multitudinii de cereri si propuneri pentru deschiderea orasului precum si a faptului ca serverul este intr-o continua crestere si am atins pragul de 700 jucatori acum o saptamana, dorim sa anuntam popularea orasului San Fierro in viitorul apropiat. Cand se va intampla acest lucru? Nu putem anunta o data exacta, cert este ca speram ca in urmatoarele luni sa avem un numar constant de jucatori, undeva peste a 600 si in orele de varf undeva la 800 jucatori, pentru ca popularea acestui oras sa fie viabila. In viitorul apropiat vor mai urma doua update-uri ce vor introduce 2-3 sisteme complet noi, precum si repararea unor buguri, optimizarea codului si a bazei de date pentru a reduce lagul si mici modificari in sistemele curente. Imediat dupa aceea se va lucra la deschiderea orasului San Fierro cu toate implicatiile acestui proces. Deci putem preconiza ca in urmatoarele 2 luni San Fierro va fi in joc. Ce va fi nou? Deschiderea unui nou oras implica multe schimbari. In primul rand vom adauga aproximativ acelasi numar de case ca si in Los Santos si Las Venturas. Vom calcula raportul intre numarul de jucatori activi pe luna si numarul de proprietati existente astfel incat fiecare jucator activ sa isi permita prin munca sa obtina o proprietate. Multe dintre business-urile sunt deja prezente atat in Los Santos cat si in Las Venturas si bineinteles vor fi adaugate si in San Fierro. Altele vor fi specifice numai pentru San Fierro. Vom calcula in functie de cat castiga fiecare in acest moment pentru a crea o plaja de castig convenabila pentru majoritatea business-urilor si de asemenea vor exista posibilitati noi de customizare a afacerilor (exemplu pretul de intrare dar si pretul serviciului oferit setabil pentru toate afacerile). Daca aveti idei de afaceri ce ar putea fi adaugate in joc imi puteti lasa PM. Dat fiind numarul mare de jucatori si numarul mic de factiuni, se vor adauga si factiuni. In San Fierro se vor adauga inca 3 mafii ce vor avea teritorii initiale la fel ca si cele din Los Santos si Las Venturas. Adaugarea mafiilor va impune si cresterea numarului de departamente. Asadar vom face departamente specifice pentru fiecare oras in parte dar si departamente pentru toate orasele. Locale: LSPD, LVPD si SFPD si generale: FBI, NG. Daca aveti si alte idei de factiuni ce ar putea fi adaugate in joc imi puteti lasa PM. Dezvoltare viitoare Existenta a 3 orase populate si a unui numar ridicat de jucatori reprezinta o importanta baza pentru implementarea unor noi sisteme dar si pentru cresterea calitatii jocului. Asadar consideram ca in viitor tinta de 1000 jucatori este realizabila prin munca si seriozitate. Multumim pentru interesul acordat serverului si va uram distractie placuta. English Because of the high number of demands and suggestions to open a new city, and also because of the fact that the server is continuously growing, reaching over 700 players the past week, we want to announce the opening of San Fierro in the nearby future. When will this happen? We cannot release an exact date, but the fact of the matter is that in the next months we hope to have a constant number of players, somewhere over 600, and 800 during rush hours, so the population of the city to be viable. In the nearby future there will also be other two updates that will introduce 2 or 3 completely different systems, some bug fixes, code optimization and database optimization to reduce lag and also some small changes to the current systems. Shortly after that we will work on opening San Fierro with everything that this process implies. So we can say that in the next two months San Fierro will be available. What will be new? The opening of a new city implies a lot of changes. Firstly we will add approx. the same number of houses that are in Los Santos and Las Venturas. We will calculate the ratio between the number of active players per month and the number of existing properties so that each active player can afford to buy a property by working. A lot of the businesses already exist both in Los Santos and Las Venturas, and they will also be added in San Fierro. Others will be specific only to San Fierro. We will calculate according to how much everybody gains at this moment in order to build a market that is conventional for most businesses and there you will also have the possibility to customize your business (ex. the entrance fee and also the service price will be changeable for all businesses). If you have any business ideas that might be added to the game you can PM me. Because of the large number of players and small number of factions we will also add new factions. Thus we will make specific departments for each city and also departments for all cities. Local: LSPD, LVPD and SFPD, and general: FBI, NG. If you have other ideas of factions that we can implement in the game please PM me. Future development The existence of 3 populated cities and a high number of players represents an important base for implementing new systems and also developing the game quality. Thus we consider that in the future the 1000 player aim is reachable with work and seriousness. Thank you for your interest in the server and we wish you all the fun that you may have. Translated by Kelton 155 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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