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Request - MoiZ - Avatar & Signature

M o i Z

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Nick: MoiZ

I want(avatar/signature/userbar/logo etc.): Avatar

Picture(optional): http://cdn.rap-up.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/lupe-show-2.jpg

Theme(in case you didn't posted a picture): -

Text: MoiZ.

Size: Normal.

Other details: Just do whatever you guys can.



Nick: MoiZ

I want(avatar/signature/userbar/logo etc.): Signature

Picture(optional): http://whaleinacubicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/LupeFiascoTheShowGoesOn.jpg

Theme(in case you didn't posted a picture): -

Text: MoiZ

Size: Usual size.

Other details: Try adding a thin white colored frame around it. Thanks!

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Thanks! Those are actually some amazing creations, especially the alphas ones... I'll be waiting till yonutz creates :X

Then you can close the topic...

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