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Red Dragon Triad - Sancțiuni/Sanctions


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Nick: DOnCaff3

Rank: 7

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Iosif.INVINCIBLE

Motiv: Absent wars 31.02.2023

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: Faction warn

Nick: DOnCaff3

Rank: 7

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Madara

Motiv: Absent 1 wars

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: Av

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Nick: Ryz

Rank: 6

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  OGR, Hanako, hardz3r., zyxifybabyangels

Motiv: Absent 1/4 wars 07.02.2023

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: Amenda 15.000$


Nick: Ryz

Rank: 6

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Silviu[M] x3, ZyxifyBabyAngels

Motiv: -5 la war

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: Amenda 15.000$



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Nick: Ryz

Rank: 6

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  ogr, .andra., caliih2k

Motiv: Absent 1/4 wars 13.02.2023

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: Amenda 15.000$



Nick: Ryz

Rank: 6

Membrul/i sanctionat/i: Olaf.DAUPTZOTAG

Motiv: Absent 2/4 wars 13.02.2023

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: AV



Nick: Ryz

Rank: 6

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Zyxifybabyangels

Motiv: Absent 4/4 wars 13.02.2023

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: FW

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Nick: Ryz

Rank: 6

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Kede.atentatu, ElCapitanDem[O]nUK

Motiv: Absent 1/3 wars 14.02.2023

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: AV



Nick: Ryz

Rank: 6

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Paine

Motiv: Absent 2/3 wars 14.02.2023

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: AV + amenda 30k

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Nick: DOnCaff3

Rank: 7

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  zyxifybabyabgels

Motiv: Absent wars

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: FW



Nick: DOnCaff3

Rank: 7

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Olaf.Dauptzotag  Batranu

Motiv: absent wars

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: FW

Nick: DOnCaff3

Rank: 7

Membrul/i sanctionat/i:  Lewandowski  Paine

Motiv: Absent 1 wars

Dovezi: Evidenta wars

Sanctiune: Av+ amenda 30k

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