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The Secret To Winning All Games


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Ma uitam dupa ceva noutati pe site-ul celor de la http://www.solomid.net/ si mi-a sarit in ochi acest ghid simplu si cred ca de foarte mare efect.

Cred ca este util multor incepatori si nu numai , prietenii stiu de ce, este bine explicat, 90% fiind cu poze, deci daca nu stie sa citeste e bine ca e poze ....



Reasons Why You Should Ward


To see where the other team is you can gank or take Dragon/Baron depending on where they are.

Wards allow you to be prepared for incoming ganks.

Warding Baron/Dragon can give you and, your team a chance to steal or stop the enemy team form taking Baron/Dragon.

Ward your jungle if the enemy jungler keeps invading and you can attempt to kill him.

Ward enemy jungle when invading to be able to see where enemy jungler is and, also to steal buffs.


Who Should Be Warding


Your support should be the one warding the most but should not be the only one warding. During laning phase everyone should ward after their first return to base. After the laning phase, the support will mainly be warding but this does not meant that you shouldn't buy wards. The more wards on the map the better. Remember, your support is not made of money. Help him out.


Where To Ward














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