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Am terminat cu examenele si proiectele pe saptamana asta > :) Revin azi in joc.

Boss .. multe s-au intamplat cat ai fost plecat , nici nu stiu cum sa ti le zic pe toate , ca apoi s-ar ajunge la un wipe :))

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Am terminat cu examenele si proiectele pe saptamana asta > :) Revin azi in joc.

Clar :))) trebuie sa stat eu off atunci :))


P.S : AM trecut cu 10 la sporttttttttttttttttttttttttt :D .

P.S 2 : Cum sa ai restanta la sport? =)))))))))))))))

P.S 3 : Brb la facultate

Edited by DC NecoSinz92
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Hello Team ,


now you have a Monkey in your Faction !


First of all my Name is Kemal , 23 years old and study industrial engineering and management in Germany/Cologne.

My origin is Turkey the middle of Anatolia Kayseri/Ankara.

My characteristics --> a lot of humor and sacarsm , so feel free to talk with me in a cool way .

I hope for a long time together as a Team and for sure to have fun like hell .


See you at work guys , and additional a happy new year :D



Kemal Demir

Edited by Dr Monkey
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@@Dr Monkey,

Hi Kemal , or i should say "our new monkey" [-o<

Welcome in our team and i hope you will enjoy it :D

I give you credit for your application and for you test ;) so Congrats :)>-

If you need anything or you have any question .. PM or on /f ;)

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Hello Team ,


now you have a Monkey in your Faction !


First of all my Name is Kemal , 23 years old and study industrial engineering and management in Germany/Cologne.

My origin is Turkey the middle of Anatolia Kayseri/Ankara.

My characteristics --> a lot of humor and sacarsm , so feel free to talk with me in a cool way .

I hope for a long time together as a Team and for sure to have fun like hell .


See you at work guys , and additional a happy new year :D



Kemal Demir

Welcome, Monkey. How do you feel in faction?

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Thank you :) .

I feel good in this Faction and it is a nice feeling to be a part of this Organisation.

I had a lot of nice conversations in a positiv way , pretty nice community with a lot of high Humor Cap :D

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@@Dr Monkey,

Hi Kemal , or i should say "our new monkey"

Welcome in our team and i hope you will enjoy it

I give you credit for your application and for you test so Congrats

If you need anything or you have any question .. PM or on

HAha,semeni perfect cu cel din avatar Gheran :))

V-a placut astazi activitatea facuta de Gheran :))) . Robert astea sunt contracte nu cele din HA :))

P.S : Blonda din piesa asta e gagica lui Robert :))



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HAha,semeni perfect cu cel din avatar Gheran :))

V-a placut astazi activitatea facuta de Gheran :))) . Robert astea sunt contracte nu cele din HA :))

P.S : Blonda din piesa asta e gagica lui Robert :))



Ba ii poza din aia .gif .. da nu merge nu stiu ce are .. ca era mai tare , sti naiba ..

O sa mai fie event din asta numa ca trebuie mobilizati mai toti membri :D

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Viata e doar un film trist in care faci ce vor altii sau risti sa fii inchis, In care sufletul ti-e prins si impins fara vreun compromis in abis;E paradisul interzis.. Viata e un peisaj in care oamenii mor de foame sub lumina arzatoare de soare, In care unii isi traiesc viata plina de relaxare in timp ce altii traiesc clipe amare Si te chinui crezand ca acolo, undeva exista o continuare, Dar singura continuare o reprezinta cativa oameni ce tin deasupra capului tau o lumanare.. Si doare cand vezi ca lumea e plina de nepasare, Cand vezi ca te calca-n picioare ca pe covoare , Dar crezi ca toate problemele pe care le ignori sunt temporare Si dai uitare la aceste problem bizare crezand ca in viitor va exista o salvare..

Ce ziceti de asta?:))

Edited by LowLy
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