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๐Ÿš– San Fierro Taxi - Raport de activitate / Activity report โ˜‘๏ธ

Daniel ZEW

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Name: Mario_Jovic
Rank: 2 (Taxi Rookie)
Number of orders made: 38
Number of tests given: 0
Overall score (s + t): 38+0=38
Days inactive request: 0
Link to report: http://imgur.com/a/LMd0r

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Nume: Franko.
Rank: Trainee(1)
Numฤƒr de comenzi efectuate: 43.
Numฤƒr de teste date: 0.
Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste): 43 + 0 = 43.
Zile inactive cu cerere: Nu este cazul.
Link cฤƒtre raport: http://imgur.com/a/USGCK

Edited by Franks
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Nume: RelaXx
Rank: 1 ( Trainee )
Numฤƒr de comenzi efectuate: 45
Numฤƒr de teste date: 0
Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste): 45
Zile inactive cu cerere: 0
Link cฤƒtre raport: Raport #2

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Nume: Curaj.
Rank: Rookie(2)
Numฤƒr de comenzi efectuate: 36.
Numฤƒr de teste date: 0.
Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste): 36 + 0 = 36.
Zile inactive cu cerere: Nu este cazul.
Link cฤƒtre raport: http://imgur.com/a/N6UKm#0


P.S Postez eu in locul lui, deoarece are probleme cu borwser'ul. Multumesc.

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Rank:1 (Trainee)
Numฤƒr de comenzi efectuate:69
Numฤƒr de teste date:0
Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste):69+0=69
Zile inactive cu cerere:0
Link cฤƒtre raport:http: //imgur.com/a/Rm3dV#69

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Raport de activitate in saptamana 24.05.2014 - 30.05.2014
Rapoarte prezentate :
Al[e]x - 44 comenzi
Mario_Jovic - 35 comenzi
eLaNN - 43 comenzi
PainTrain. - 62 comenzi
mR.Par1s - 43 comenzi
NeXuS - 106 comenzi
Sherlock - 44 comenzi
Cristi_Rider - 40 comenzi
Emiliuta005 - 49 comenzi
Franko. - 43 Comenzi
RelaXx - 45 comenzi
King.Camora - 43 comenzi
Gabone - 36 comenzi
Curaj - 36 comenzi
LucyanTeq99 - 69 comenzi
Rapoarte anulate :
[MF]Allyson - Poze din alt raport (31.05) = FW
iRazor - 30 comenzi, nu ai minimul de 35 de comenzi = FW
Rapoarte neprezentate :
Membrii Invoiti :
Cele mai multe comenzi intr-o saptamana (Cabbie of the week) - Nexus - Acesta v-a fi premiat cu 35.000$.Felicitari!
Pentru orice nelamurire trimiteti PM. Doar dupa ce ati verificat si voi si sunteti sigur ca eu am gresit.
Raportul a fost verificat de catre Vince.


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Raport 07.06 - 13.06.2014

Cei care ati terminat raportul, il puteti posta. Pozele pentru raport se pot face pana Vineri ora 23:59, raportul se poate posta pana Sambata ora 21:00!!!

Who finished the activity report, he can post it. Fares can be made until Friday (hour 23:59), and it can be posted until Saturday (hour 21:00)!!!

Edited by GF Gheran
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