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πŸš– San Fierro Taxi - Raport de activitate / Activity report β˜‘οΈ

Daniel ZEW

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Nick : SmaraAndrey.

Rank : 4

Numar de comenzi efectuate: 10

Numar de teste date: 1

Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste): 10+1(5)=15

Zile de inactivitate cu cerere: 0

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Au avut un raport corect urmatoarele persoane:


- Exemplu - 46

- FabiaN - 135 - Best

- Climatticc - 110

- Polonic - 42

- Joker_XD - 53

- j.sparrow - 40

- .Pack. - 57

- Slatina10 - 47

- Kiler1ST - 37

- gty12 - 37

- T_Pain - 26

- Tessie - 35

- Tortuga - 30

- NeverBackDown - 26

- Shokaru - 47

- zorneT - 15

- Lucyanteq99 - 15

- SmaraAndrey - 15


Au avut raport anulat urmatoarele persoane:


FreeDub15 - Ai pozele amestecate, ai de pe 01, 04, 29 si 30, in ordinea asta, primul raport - FP

Andr3y - Ai o poza pusa aiurea, in care nici macar nu aveai /fare, deci doar 39/40 comenzi reusite. Nu ai indeplinit minimul. Primesti faction warn.


Au fost invoite urmatoarele persoane:

- SgalaxyS$

- Cosmy0

- D4nu7

- Sinsi

- Katrinakaif

- KarrigaN

- Asim

- F0rmS

- BotysGhytza

- Cristi_rider

- goosty

- RelaXx

- .DanieL.

Edited by D a r r e N
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Raportul de Activitate #8

09.10.2014 13:37 <---> 11.10.2014 10:58

Nume : BotysGhytza
Rank : Cabbie (3).
Număr de comenzi efectuate : 35.
Număr de teste date : 0.
Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste) : 35.
Zile inactive cu cerere : 0.
Link către raport : http://imgur.com/a/B3jU2

Edited by Botys Ghytza
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Nume: LucyanTeq99

Rank: 4
Număr de comenzi efectuate: 13
Număr de teste date: 1
Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste): 18
Zile inactive cu cerere: 0
Link către raport:
http://imgur.com/a/UGn2t and http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/123611-san-fierro-taxi-eviden%C8%9Ba-testelor-test-logs/page-24

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Nume: FabiaN.
Rank: 1.
Număr de comenzi efectuate: 164.
Număr de teste date: 0.
Punctaj per total (comenzi + teste): 164.
Zile inactive cu cerere: 0.
Link către raport:

part 1 (150): http://imgur.com/a/kxSoX

part 2 (14): http://imgur.com/a/OthgD

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Nick: RelaXx
Rank: 5 (Shift Supervisor)
Membrii care si-au efectuat corect raportul (21):
- .PacK. - 53 (fii mai atent la pozele in care clientul sare in pustiu din taxi fara a zice "merci" poza)
- Joker_xD - 48
- KeNNNon. - 51
- T_Pain - 25
- BotysGhytza - 35
- siNsi - 51
- karrigaN - 57
- Asim - 81
- LucyanTeq99 - 18
- Kiler1sT - 37
- CLimatticc - 93
- katrinakaif - 41 (photo on 3 october "photo", and photo on 6 october at the end of album "photo")
- D4NU7 - 87 (87, nu 89 cum ai zis tu)
- FabiaN. - 164 - BEST
- [ThL]Slatina10 - 42
- Tessie - 40
- AnDr3y. - 42
- J.Sparrow - 50 (mai multa grija la pozele in care clientul sare in pustiu poza)
- SmaraAndrey - 16
- Zornet - 15
- gty12 - 35 (poze puse aiurea, daca nu erau dublate de la imgur aveai raport anulat poza si poza)
Membrii care au gresit raportul (2):
- SGalaxyS4 - Raport Neprezentat - Demis cu FP (primul raport)
Membrii invoiti la acest raport (6):
- Darkster21 - Prima saptamana
- Vettel. - First week
- Ansife - Prima saptamana
- NeverBackDown - Invoire
- Cristi_Rider - Rank 5
- Goosty - Rank 5
- RelaXx - Rank 5


Edited by S4F RelaXx
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