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69 Pier Mobs - Invoiri - Pass requests


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Numele / Nickname: Cluster
Rang / Rank: 3
Motiv / Reason: Sunt plecat in oras la ziua unui prieten.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 03.02.2015 - 21:00-22:00
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1


M-a rugat pe mine sa fac cererea.

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Numele / Nickname: RastaTM
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: Nu sunt acasa la acea ora, ma invoiesc de la antrenament, nu waruri.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 04.02.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: Kay_Jay

Rang / Rank:2

Motiv / Reason: Am primit ban pana la ora 22pentru desincu' de aseara de la war.

Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting: 4.02.2015 - 21:00

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 2

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(!) Învoiri antrenament - training pass requests (!)

Numele / Nickname: VeTeRaN.

Rang / Rank: Rang-ul 3 ( Inca )
Motiv / Reason: Nu pot sa intru la ora aia, imi cer mi de scuze
Data antrenamentului/ Date of the training: 5/02/2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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(!) Învoiri antrenament - training pass requests (!)

Numele / Nickname: [cH]xZ3uSx

Rang / Rank: 1 (Primitive)
Motiv / Reason: Am o problema de familie
Data antrenamentului/ Date of the training: 5/02/2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: [btd]CRACK

Rang / Rank: 3
Motiv / Reason: Sunt plecat din oras , m-am dus la schi o zi :X , maine vin acasa .
Data antrenamentului/ Date of the training: 5/02/2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Învoiri antrenament - training pass requests (!)


Numele / Nickname: TheDarkLordB1

Rang / Rank: 1 (Primitive)

Motiv / Reason: Am probleme mari cu internetul maine o sa il schimb

Data antrenamentului/ Date of the training: 5/02/2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: Nikola_Jokic

Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: I trying to join on server more then 1hour, and i can't, it's full..
Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting: 05.02.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

Still i entered. ( Or not, crash...)

Edited by GF Nikola Jokic
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Numele / Nickname:aLLx.

Rang / Rank:1

Motiv / Reason:Plec la ziua verisoarei mele

Data warurilor / Date of the wars:6.02.2014

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2

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Numele / Nickname: Dioz
Rang / Rank:2
Motiv / Reason:i have lag,i can't start engine....
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 6.02.2014
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2

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Numele / Nickname: Dioz

Rang / Rank: 2 [ Mummy ]
Motiv / Reason: i have private problems,sorry James
Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting: 15/2/2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2

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Numele / Nickname:Nicu14

Rang / Rank:1(primitive)
Motiv / Reason:Nu-s acasa.. revin abia pe la 8 si ceva.
Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting:azi,15.02.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:0.. imi pare cau ca nu o sa pot participa la prima sedinta...

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Numele / Nickname: Kay_Jay

Rang / Rank: 2

Motiv / Reason: Trebuie sa reinstalez SAMP si o sa intarzi cateva minute, dar am sa vin.

Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting: 15.02.2015 ora 19

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

Edited by Mr KayJay Teq
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Numele / Nickname: dioz
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: problem with pc
Data war / Date of the war: 16.02.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: CraiovaAdy

Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: Mâine are loc simularea la limba și literatura română.
Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting: 01.03.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:

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Numele / Nickname: [9GAG]VeTeRaN.
Rang / Rank: 3 (Inca)
Motiv / Reason: Nu stiu daca pot ajunge la war, pentru ca ma duc la sala.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 02.03.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: Dioz
Rang / Rank: 3 (Inca)
Motiv / Reason: Nu sunt la casa
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 04.03.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: Likee
Rang / Rank: 2 (Mummy)
Motiv / Reason: Am adormit si am uitat ca avem war azi
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 04.03.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: Ezio
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: De la antrenament ca sunt plecat azi in oras.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 06.03.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname:Tortuga

Rang / Rank:1
Motiv / Reason:De la antrenament: Am cor si nu pot veni.Daca era ieri veneam dara azi nu pot.
Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting:6.03.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1

Edited by DaniTortuga
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