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🚓LV Police Department🚓 - 📣 Anunţuri importante | Important announcements 📣


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Duminica pe data de 26.11.2017 la ora 18:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Aceasta se va tine in HQ ul factiunii in camera de sedinte. Sedinta este obligatorie. Cine nu poate ajunge este rugat sa faca o Invoire in topic ul Antrenamente si Invoiri cu un motiv bine intemeiat altfel cererea va fi respinsa.




Sunday, 26.11.2017 at 18:00 we will have a meeting. The meeting will be held in the faction's HQ in the meeting room. The meeting is obligatory. Who cannot participate to this meeting has to do a Pass request in the "Antrenamente si Invoiri" topic, on forum. If you don't have a good enough reason to Pass the meeting, your Pass request will not be accepted.

Edited by Alexander S
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Impreuna cu Zeom si Theoneuer am ajuns la decizia ca fiecare rank 3+ sa organizeze cate un antrenament saptamanal. La fiecare inceput de saptamana 2 membri rank 3+ vor fi alesi ca organizatori de antrenament pentru duminica din acea saptamana. Alegerile o sa fie afisate in topicul Antrenamente si Invoiri iar daca nu puteti fi prezenti la acel antrenament trebuie sa faceti o invoire in acelasi topic cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Atentie! Daca pana duminica la ora 18:00 nu ati postat o invoire si nu veniti la antrenament, o sa riscati rank down! (Organizatorii)

Modelul de postare pentru invoiri o sa ramana acelasi si pentru organizatori. Daca pana duminica la ora 18:00 ati postat o invoire, alt membru de rank 3+ o sa fie ales in locul vostru. Incercati sa veniti cu idei bune si nu foarte complicate caci stim cu totii cat timp se pierde cu organizarea. Cine nu o sa asculte de Organizatorii alesi de noi o sa fie de asemenea sanctionat in functie de gravitatea greselilor. Incercati sa veniti cu idei cat mai utile si simple pentru ceea ce facem noi ca Departament, organizarea buna a unui antrenament o sa va creasca sansele de a lua rank up la timp! Mult success.



EN version:

We decided that every rank 3+ member should organize a weekly training. Every Monday we will choose 2 rank 3+ members to organize a training for the next Sunday. The elections will be posted in the Trainings and Pass requests topic. Who cannot be present as organizer has to do a Pass request in the same topic UNTIL SUNDAY AT 18:00. Who will not be present and will not have a Pass request until Sunday at 18:00 will risk rank down!

The posting model for Pass requests will remain the same for organizers. If a organizer cannot participate and has a Pass request somebody else will take his place. Try to come with simple and usefull ideeas for the trainings. A good and organized training will help you get rank up faster. Good luck.



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Miercuri 29.11.2017, ora 20:00, avem o mini sedinta impreuna cu celelalte departamente. Vreau prezenta maxima, daca nu puteti ajunge o sa astept din partea voastra o invoire cu un motiv bine intemeiat.


# Cine nu vine la sedinta cu skin-ul pe rank, primeste Advertisment Verbal

# Sedinta o facem la National Guard (sa evitam lag)

# Cine o sa fie prins ca face DM o sa fie sanctionat cu FW

# Cine o sa vorbeasca neintrebat sau o sa faca caterinca o sa primeasca FW.

# Cine o sa intarzie o sa primeasca TURE de HQ.


EN version:


Wednesday we will have a mini-meeting together with the other departaments, I want maximum presence, who cannot come has to do a pass request with a good enough reason otherwise I will not accepit it. The meeting will be held at NG base to avoid lag.

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Duminica pe data de 14.01.2017 la ora 18:00 vom avea antrenament. Cine nu poate veni este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire in topicul Antrenamente si Invoiri. Va reamintesc ca aveti dreptul la doar 2 invoiri pe luna (3 invoiri rank5).


Sunday, 14.01.2017 at 18:00 we will have training. Who cannot come should do a Pass request in the Antrenamente si Invoiri topic. I remind you that you can only have 2 pass requests per month (3 pass requests rank5)

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Duminica pe data de 28.01.2017 la ora 18:00 vom avea antrenament. Cine nu poate veni este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire in topicul Antrenamente si Invoiri.


Sunday, 28.01.2017 at 18:00 we will have training. Who cannot come should do a Pass request in the Antrenamente si Invoiri topic.

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Duminica pe data de 04.02.2017 la ora 18:00 vom avea antrenament. Cine nu poate veni este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire in topicul Antrenamente si Invoiri. 


Sunday, 04.02.2017 at 18:00 we will have training. Who cannot come should do a Pass request in the Antrenamente si Invoiri topic. I remind you that you can only have 2 pass requests per month (3 pass requests rank5)

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Duminica pe data de 18.02.2017 la ora 18:00 vom avea antrenament. Cine nu poate veni este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire in topicul Antrenamente si Invoiri. 


Sunday, 18.02.2017 at 18:00 we will have training. Who cannot come should do a Pass request in the Antrenamente si Invoiri topic. I remind you that you can only have 2 pass requests per month (3 pass requests rank5)

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Duminica pe data de 25.02.2018 la ora 18:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Aceasta se va tine in HQ ul factiunii in camera de sedinte. Sedinta este obligatorie. Cine nu poate ajunge este rugat sa faca o Invoire in topic ul Antrenamente si Invoiri cu un motiv bine intemeiat altfel cererea va fi respinsa.




Sunday, 25.02.2018 at 18:00 we will have a meeting. The meeting will be held in the faction's HQ in the meeting room. The meeting is obligatory. Who cannot participate to this meeting has to do a Pass request in the "Antrenamente si Invoiri" topic, on forum. If you don't have a good enough reason to Pass the meeting, your Pass request will not be accepted.

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O noua regula in privinta radarului in alte orase a fost implementata:



Amplasarea radarului in alte orase se face numai cu aprobarea unui Rank 5+ din respectivul oras.Daca nu aveti acordul lui sau a unui rank 6, nu aveti voie sa puneti dupa ce intrebati de 3 ori. (Sanctiune: Faction Warn) 

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Duminica pe data de 25.03.2018 la ora 18:00 vom avea antrenament. Cine nu poate veni este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire in topicul Antrenamente si Invoiri. 


Sunday, 25.03.2018 at 18:00 we will have training. Who cannot come should do a Pass request in the Antrenamente si Invoiri topic. I remind you that you can only have 2 pass requests per month (3 pass requests rank5)

Edited by Battlelord
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Saptamana viitoare, intre 2 - 8 aprilie, raportul de activitate o sa fie optional.




Next week, between 2 - 8 april, the activity report will be optional.

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Duminica pe data de 14.05.2018 la ora 18:00 vom avea antrenament. Cine nu poate veni este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire in topicul Antrenamente si Invoiri. 


Sunday, 14.05.2018 at 18:00 we will have training. Who cannot come must do a Pass request in the Antrenamente si Invoiri topic. I remind you that you can only have 2 pass requests per month (3 pass requests rank5)

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Impreuna cu celelalte departamente am decis sa facem o tombola pentru toti membrii departamentelor. Premiile vor consta in bani si gold. Mai jos aveti un link catre topicul facut de liderul FBI, acolo va puteti inscrie la aceasta tombola folosind modelul afisat. Inscrierea este gratuita dar eu va rog sa donati si voi cat de putin puteti astfel ca premiul sa fie cat mai mare.



NU uitati sa cititi si regulile afisate acolo si cui sa ii trimiteti donatiile voastre.









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Din cauza problemelor cu serverul, cum am anuntat si pe fmotd, rapoartele pe saptamana in curs vor fi optionale. De asemenea, daca nu va veti putea conecta la server 3 zile n-o sa fiti sanctionati, dar in acel caz sunteti rugati sa mai incercati sa va logati si sa va informati despre problema. Mai multe detalii aici(click) .


Because of the server issues, activity report is optional this week (the one we are in), as I announced on fmotd. Also, if you can't log in for 3 days you won't be sanctioned, but in this case you're asked to try to see if it works from time to time and get information about the problem. More details here(click) .

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Serverul și-a revenit, lucru anunțat și de Kelton acum câteva zile. Rapoartele de pe saptamana asta(25.06-01.07) vor fi înjumătățite. După această săptămână, se va trece la raportul normal. Pentru mai multe detalii intrați aici: 


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Limba romana

In atentia testerilor, o noua regula a fost introdusa in regulament:

-Un tester nu va avea voie sa sustina teste cu un jucator din acelasi clan/alianta cu el (sanctiune: RANK DOWN + Faction Warn). Exceptie fac liderul si subliderii, impreuna cu eventualele situatii speciale ce pot aparea, stabilite de conducere, in care se poate tolera acest lucru, aplicate pe loc in functie de caz.



In the testers' attention, a new rule has been introduced:

-A tester won't be allowed to take tests with a player from the same clan/alliance with him (sanction: RANK DOWN + Faction Warn). The exceptions are the leader, the subleaders and the eventual special situations that may appear, determined by the leading, in which we can tolerate such things, being applied on the spot depending on the case.




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Incepand de luni, 16.07.2018, rapoartele de activitate vor fi modificate.


Rank 1 - 30 de puncte

Rank 2 - 40 de puncte

Rank 3 - 50 de puncte

Rank 4 - 35 de puncte

Rank 5 - 25 de puncte

Rank 6 - raport optional ca intotdeauna


Helperii - 1/2 ; Adminii - Optional (doar primul obligatoriu)





Starting from Monday, the 16th of July, 2018, the minimum points for the activity report will be modified as such:


Rank 1 - 30 points

Rank 2 - 40 points

Rank 3 - 50 points

Rank 4 - 35 points

Rank 5 - 25 points

Rank 6 - optional as always


Helpers - 1/2 ; Admins - Optional (the first one is mandatory)

Edited by South Hyperion
Am pus corect partea cu adminii
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Limba romana

In atentia testerilor din nou, o noua regula a fost introdusa in regulament:

-In cazul recrutarilor in care fiecarui candidat ii este acordat un tester sau mai multi, testerii nu vor avea voie sa dea test cu altcineva decat candidatii la care au fost repartizati. Excepție fac r6+, ei pot da test cu orice candidat oricand. Sanctiune: RANK DOWN + indepartarea functiei de tester.


In the testers' attention once again, a new rule has been introduced:

-In the case of recruitments in which there is one or more testers assigned to one candidate, testers are not allowed to take any other tests except for the candidates they were given. Exceptions are the r6+, they will be able to take tests with any candidate anytime. Sanction: RANK DOWN + removal of the Tester position.


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Limba romana

In atentia testerilor si a candidatilor ce vor veni, noi reguli au fost introduse legat de testul de intrare, mai exact la proba practica:

1. Fiecare candidat trebuie sa aiba dovezi atat cu infractiunea savarsita de suspect, cat si cu aplicarea sanctiunii(mesajul care apare cand dai ticket si/sau confiscate), pentru a vedea daca a actionat corect. Daca ii lipseste oricare dintre dovezi, fie la una dintre amenzi, fie la permis, indiferent daca e la infractiune sau la sanctiune, candidatul va fi picat. 

2. Nu se vor lua in considerare confiscarea permiselor/acordarea amenzilor asupra colegilor de clan, alianta, sau Departamente. Ei pot sa mearga sa ii sanctioneze, dar degeaba, nu se va pune la proba.

3. Daca din dovezile candidatului reiese ca acesta a acordat ticket-ul sau confiscate-ul gresit, el va fi picat fiindca nu e normal.


In the testers' and future candidates' attention, new rules about the entrance test were added, more specifically about the practical test:

1. Every candidate has to make and have proof with the infraction made by the suspect and the sanction applying(the message which appears when you use ticket and/or confiscate), so we can be able to see if he did right. If any of these proofs are missing, even one, be it for tickets, be it for a confiscate, no matter if it's about the infraction or the sanction, the candidate will be failed at the tests.

2. Confiscates/tickets applied to clan mates, alliance mates or Department members won't be taken into consideration. They can go sanction them, but it's useless, it won't be considered as anything.

3. If the candidate's proofs show that he gave a wrong ticket or a wrong confiscate, he will be failed at tests cause this is not normal.


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In data de 26 august 2018, ora 18:00, va avea loc o sedinta tinuta de conducerea departamentului, ce va avea in discutie mai multe subiecte de interes general. Prezenta este obligatorie, invoirile se fac doar prin PM-uri ce vor contine urmatoarele persoane: @South Hyperion @South TheoNeuer.
On the 26th of August 2018, at 6 P.M. server time, a meeting will be held by the head of the department, which will have a discussion based on several topics of general interest. The attendance is mandatory, the passing requests are only possible via PMs containing the following people: @South Hyperion @South TheoNeuer.

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Limba romana

După cum știți sau ar trebui, s-a făcut un nou topic, numit Grade si Aplicatii Grade / Grades and Grades Applications. Acesta vă va fi prezentat la ședință, iar în topicul dedicat lui este destul de bine explicat. Daca aveti nelamuriri puteti intreba cei prezenti la sedinta ori conducerea. Odată cu introducerea lui, vin bineînțeles și niște reguli noi, ce au fost adăugate in regulament. Atenție însă, trebuie știut și respectat absolut tot din acel topic. S-a adăugat, deci, în Regulamentul Intern următoarea secțiune:


Regulament privind Gradele


- Aveti obligatia sa fiti bine informati asupra topicului de Grade (click) si sa respectati absolut tot ce e in el, fiind in caz contrar sanctionati in consecinta.

- Orice grad inferior este obligat sa respecte ordinele primite din partea unui grad superior, indiferent de rankul numeric din joc. Sanctiunea pentru abaterea de la aceasta regula este de Faction Warn.

- Detinatorii gradului de 'Deputy Sheriff I' nu vor avea dreptul sa patruleze sau sa amplaseze radar decat in juridstictia departamentului de politie Las Venturas. Sanctiunea pentru abaterea de la aceasta regula este de Faction Warn.

- Un membru ce detine un grad administrativ este obligat sa isi respecte atributile respectivului grad. Sanctiunea pentru abaterea de la aceasta regula variaza intre Faction Warn si retrogradare.



As you know or you should, a new topic named Grade si Aplicatii Grade / Grades and Grades Applications has been created. It will be presented to you at the meeting, but it's good for you to know that in the topic it's being explained pretty good. If you have any doubts you can ask the members which were present or the staff. With this topic's coming, new rules are coming out, added to the internal rules. Attention, everything in the topic has to be known and respected by you. The next section has been added to Internal Rules:


Rules about Ranks (''Grades'')


- You have the obligation to be well informed about the Grades/Ranks topic(click) and do absolutely everything it supposes, otherwise you'll be sanctioned accordingly to what you do.

- Every inferior grade is obliged to respect the orders from superior grades, no matter the numeric rank in game. The sanction for not respecting this rule is Faction Warn.
- 'Deputy Sheriff I' members won't be allowed to patrol or to put a radar in other cities than Las Venturas. The sanction for patroling/putting radar in other places than the jurisdiction of LV is Faction Warn.

- Members with administrative ranks are obliged to respect their grade attributions. The sanction for not doing so varies from Faction Warn to Rank Down.


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Vacanta de vara s-a terminat, scoala a inceput din nou, asa ca rapoartele revin la forma dinaintea reducerii din vara.
Astfel, incepand de luni, 24 septembrie 2018, minimele de puncte pentru rapoartele de activitate vor fi modificate in felul urmator:


Rank 1 - 40 de puncte

Rank 2 - 50 de puncte

Rank 3 - 60 de puncte

Rank 4 - 40 de puncte

Rank 5 - 30 de puncte

Rank 6 - raport optional ca intotdeauna


*Helperii - 1/2 ; Adminii - Optional (primul fiind obligatoriu, intreg)





Holidays ended, school started again, so we return to the activity reports before the summer reduction.

Starting from Monday, the 24th of September, 2018, the minimum points for the activity report will be modified as mentioned below:


Rank 1 - 40 points

Rank 2 - 50 points

Rank 3 - 60 points

Rank 4 - 40 points

Rank 5 - 30 points

Rank 6 - optional as always


*Helpers - 1/2 ; Admins - Optional (the first one is mandatory; it has to be full)

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In data de 30 septembrie 2018, ora 18:00, va avea loc o sedinta tinuta de conducerea departamentului. Prezenta este obligatorie, nu acceptam multe invoiri, asteptam prezenta maxima de la rank 4-5. Se vor discuta probleme administrative de interes general. Invoirile se fac in topicul de Antrenamente si Invoiri.

On the 30h of September 2018, at 6 P.M. server time, a meeting will be held by the head of the department. The attendance is mandatory, we don't accept many pass requests, we're expecting maximum attendance for rank 4-5. General interest problems will be discussed. Pass requests will be posted in the Trainings and Absence topic.

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