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Bug - Wanted


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Nick-ul tau: [s4G]S3mK

Descrierea bugului: Stiam ca daca stai 30 min se duce wantedul...am stat si mi-a scris ca s-a dus,dar cand am murit ma bagat la jail am dovada ca imi zice la un anume minut ca am scapat si ca la un anume minut ma baga in jail...

Screenshot(s) http://i.imgur.com/243O2Ho.png http://i.imgur.com/07GnwC4.png http://i.imgur.com/ZnijuC2.png

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1.La fiecare 30 de minute pierzi 1 stea in wanted,deci daca aveai wanted6 ajungi la wanted5.

2.Because you got killed,you are no longer...... iti apare atunci cand un membru din departamente te omoara,nicidecum iti scade wanted-ul cand iti apare acel mesaj.

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