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[TUTORIAL] Joburi Ilegale - RO


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Arms Dealer

-job ilegal-

Descriere :

  • Cu acest job vinzi arme player-ilor. Pentru a crea arme trebuie sa cumperi materiale. Vor fi 2 cladiri pe care trebuie sa le vizitezi pentru crearea materialelor. Vor fi prezentate in poze.

Comenzi :

  • /materials get - Cumperi pachete cu materiale.
  • /materials deliver - Duci pachetele cu materiale si in schimb ti se ofera tot materiale dar cu care poti crea armele.
  • /sellgun - Vinzi arma/e unui player daca ai materialele necesare.

Skill :

  • Il poti afla tastand in chat comanda [/skill 9]





Locatie :

Harta :






Materials get







Materials deliver:

Harta :






Informatii suplimentare :

Pentru a fi angajat cu acest job trebuie ca tu sa te duci in acel "i" si sa tastezi /getjob , Dupa 5 ore de contract poti da /quitjob si sa il schimbi.

Cu acest job poti fi urmarit foarte usor de politie si arestat/amendat.





-job ilegal-

Descriere :

  • Cu acest job poti oferii servicii sexuale oricarui player in schimbul unei sume de bani.La skill level mic te vei imbolnavi atat tu cat si partenerul cu diferite boli venerice.Daca ai aceste boli viata iti scade foarte repede.Ca sa te vindeci trebuie sa te duci in Los Santos la spital si sa scrii /healme.La level skill mare nu vei mai da boli ci vei creste viata tuturor partenerilor tai.

Comenzi :

  • /sex - Oferi placeri intime pe o suma de bani unui anumit player.

Skill :

  • Skill-ul job-ului il poti afla prin comanda /skill sau /skill 3

  1. Dupa ce dai /sex la 50 de playeri faci skill level 2
  2. Dupa ce dai /sex la 100 de playeri faci skill level 3
  3. Dupa ce dai /sex la 150 de playeri faci skill level 4
  4. Dupa ce dai /sex la 250 de playeri faci skill level 5

  • Cu cat cresti mai mult in skill cu atat scad bolile cu care te infectezi ... la skill lvl 5 ajungi sa dai viata in plus celui care accepta.

Locatie :






De aici poti scapa de bolile venerice utilizand comanda



Informatii suplimentare :

Pentru a fi angajat cu acest job trebuie ca tu sa te duci in acel "i" si sa tastezi /getjob .Dupa 5ore de contract poti da /quitjob si sa il schimbi.

Nu este un job profitabil.




Drug Dealer

-job ilegal-

Descriere :

  • Acest job este unul foarte periculos.Cu acest job cumperi droguri pe care le vinzi sau le folosesti , dupa 4-6 grame devii drogat , iar pozitia ta pe harta ti se schimba, in asa fel se imita viata reala.

Comenzi :

  • /selldrugs - Vinzi drogurile unui alt player.
  • /get drugs - Cumperi drogurile.
  • /usedrugs - Folosesti drogurile daca nu vrei sa le vinzi

Skill :

  • Skill-ul job-ului il poti afla prin comanda /skill sau /skill 4

  1. Dupa ce vinzi droguri la 50 de playeri faci skill level 2
  2. Dupa ce vinzi droguri la 100 de playeri faci skill level 3
  3. Dupa ce vinzi droguri la 150 de playeri faci skill level 4
  4. Dupa ce vinzi droguri la 200 de playeri faci skill level 5

  • Cu cat cresti mai mult in skill cu atat poti lua mai multe droguri la pret scazut.

Locatie :

Harta :


Real :



Intrii in Crack House pentru a lua droguri folosind comanda




Informatii suplimentare :

Pentru a fi angajat cu acest job trebuie ca tu sa te duci in acel "i" si sa tastezi /getjob. Dupa 5 ore de contract poti da /quitjob si sa il schimbi.

Cu acest job poti fi urmarit foarte usor de politie si omorat/arestat/amendat.

Drogurile iti maresc viata cu cateva procente.




Car Jacker

-job ilegal-


Descriere :

  • Cu acest job furi masini si le duci intr-o locatie unde primesti bani pe ele.Fiind un job ilegal politia te poate aresta pentru asta.

Comenzi :

  • /dropcar - Arunci masina si primesti bani pe ea

Skill :

  • Skill-ul job-ului il poti afla prin comanda /skill sau /skill 5

  1. Dupa ce dai /dropcar de 50 ori faci skill level 2
  2. Dupa ce dai /dropcar de 50 ori faci skill level 3
  3. Dupa ce dai /dropcar de 100 ori faci skill level 4
  4. Dupa ce dai /dropcar de 200 ori faci skill level 5

  • Cu cat cresti mai mult in skill cu atat vei primi mai multi bani pe fiecare masina furata si aruncata ( /dropcar) dar si timpul de /drop va fi mai mic.

Skill 1 - 20minute

Skill 2 - 18minute

Skill 3 - 16 minute

Skill 4 - 14 minute

Skill 5 -12 minute

Locatie :






Informatii suplimentare :

Pentru a fi angajat cu acest job trebuie ca tu sa te duci in acel "i" si sa tastezi /getjob , Dupa 5 ore de contract poti da /quitjob si sa il schimbi.









Arms Dealer

- Illegal job -




With this job you sell guns to players. To create guns you need to buy materials. There are 2 building that you need to visit to create materials. There will be shown down in some photoes.




  • /materials get - Buy materials packeges from Los Santos
  • /materials deliver - You deliver the materials packeges you bought and get materials that you need to create guns.
  • /sellgun - You sell a gun to a player if you have enought materials.


  • You can find it with the command [/skill 9]















Materials get








Materials deliver:








Additional Information:


If you want to have this job you need to go in that "I" and type [/getjob]. After 5 hours you can [/quitjob] if you wish to leave your job.

With this job you will be chased by the police, ticket'ed or arrest'ed.








- Illegal job -




With this job you offer sexual services to any player in return of a sum of money. At low skill, you and your partener will get ill with various diseases. If you want to cure, you need to go the Los Santos Hospital and type [/healme]. At skill 5, you will only heal your partener without the possibility of any diseases.




/sex - Offer sexual services to any player in return of money.



  • You can find the job skill with the command [/skill] or [/skill 3]

  1. You need to [/sex] with 50 players for skill level 2
  2. You need to [/sex] with 100 players for skill level 3
  3. You need to [/sex] with 150 players for skill level 4
  4. You need to [/sex] with 250 players for skill level 2

  • At skill 5 you can over heal your partener.








The entrace of Los Santos Hospital with the [/healme] command.




Additional Information:


If you want to have this job you need to go in that "I" and type [/getjob]. After 5 hours you can [/quitjob] if you wish to leave your job.

Is not a profitable job.T









Drug Dealer

- Illegal job -




This job is very dangerous. With this job you can buy from 4 to 6 grams of drugs and sell it to other players.



  • /selldrugs - You sell drugs to other player.
  • /get drugs - You buy the durgs.
  • /usedrugs - You use the drugs.


  • You can find the job skill with the command [/skill] or [/skill 4]

  1. You need to [/selldrugs] to 50 players to get skill level 2
  2. You need to [/selldrugs] to 100 players to get skill level 2
  3. You need to [/selldrugs] to 150 players to get skill level 2
  4. You need to [/selldrugs] to 200 players to get skill level 2

  • The higher the skill, the lower the drugs price.





Real :



You need to enter the crack house to get drugs.



Use [/getdrugs] to get some drugs.



Additional Information:

If you want to have this job you need to go in that "I" and type [/getjob]. After 5 hours you can [/quitjob] if you wish to leave your job.

With this job you will be chased by the police, ticket'ed, arrest'ed or kill'ed.

The drugs heal you for some %. S






Car Jacker

- Illegal job -




With this job, you steal cars, go to a location and get money for them. The police can arrest you becuase it's an illegal job.



  • /dropcar - You drop the car and get money for it.


  • You can find the job skill with the command [/skill] or [/skill 5]

  • You need to [/dropcar] 50 times for skill level 2
  • You need to [/dropcar] 100 times for skill level 3
  • You need to [/dropcar] 150 times for skill level 4
  • You need to [/dropcar] 250 times for skill level 5

  • The higher the skill, the higher the price you get and the lower the time it gets.








Additional Information:

If you want to have this job you need to go in that "I" and type [/getjob]. After 5 hours you can [/quitjob] if you wish to leave your job.


Translated by

TL Sonny


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