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Green Street Bloods - Regulament Intern | Internal Rules


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1. Informații


Green Streed Bloods este o mafie, situată în orașul Los Santos, care se ocupă cu afaceri ilegale (arme / droguri / spălare de bani etc..). Suntem un clan respectat care nu acceptă orice prostie sau orice glumă. Încercam să ne facem treaba cât de bine posibil și cu orice preț.


Motto-ul mafiei: "Never quit and you will be a winner."


Vehiculele per rank


Rank 1-2: Admiral, Huntley, FCR-900.

Rank 3: Remington. 

Rank 4: Maverick (cu conditia sa anunte pe /f).

Rank 5: Stretch (cu conditia sa anunte pe /f).


Skin-urile factiunii:






Rank 1-5


Skin_106.png Skin_271.png Skin_269.png






Purtarea unui skin de rank superior nu este permisa. Aveți voie să purtați doar skinul rankului vostru sau al rankurilor inferioare (e.g. un membru de rank 4 are voie să poarte skin de rank 1, 2 sau 3). Abaterile de la această regulă se sancționează cu avertisment verbal la prima abatere și faction warn de la a doua.

Cererile de rank-up sunt permise, însă nu într-un mod abuziv, spamând liderul. Cine încalcă regula va putea primi Faction Warn.


 2. Comportament


  • Dacă un coleg încearcă să înceapă un conflict aveți obligația de a nu-i răspunde.
  • În schimb faceți poze la ceea ce vă spune și contactați conducerea facțiunii.
  • Este interzisă raportarea colegilor pe website. [excepție reclamă, afaceri ilegale, coduri].
  • Mafia este condusă de către Lider, Sublider și Membrii cu Rank 5.
  • Aveți obligația de a respectă orice vă spune conducerea facțiunii.



3. Comenzile facțiunii


  • /f - Rank 1+: chatul gangului.
  • /fdeposit - Rank 1+: depozitezi bani în seiful gangului.
  • /fputdrugs - Rank 1+: depozitezi droguri în seiful gangului.
  • /fgetdrugs - Rank 1+: iei droguri din seiful gangului.
  • /turfs - Rank 1+: arată teritoriile.
  • /gc - Rank1+: vorbești pe chatul alianței.
  • /leavewar - Rank1+: ieși de la warurile opționale.
  • /guns - Rank1+: iei arme la warurile opționale.
  • /fines - Rank1+: lista cu jucătorii care au primit amendă, de asemenea dacă ai amendă o poți plăti direct din joc cu această comandă.
  • /stealers - Rank1+: vezi o lista cu jucătorii care au furat o mașină a factiunii.
  • /tie - Rank 3+: legi o persoană care se află în mașînă cu ține dacă ești șoferul mașinii.
  • /untie - Rank 3+: dezlegi persoană legată.
  • /tduty - Rank4+ & Tester: ești la datorie că tester.
  • /backup - Rank4+: chemi intariri.
  • /fvr - Rank5+: respawnezi toate vehiculele factiunii.
  • /ftalkpower - Rank5+: setezi rankul minim care poate scrie pe chatul gangului.
  • /fwithdraw - Leader only: iei bani din seiful gangului.
  • /fwithdrawpower - Leader only: schimbi accesul rank-ului pentru accesarea seifului factiunii (bani, droguri, materiale).
  • /order - cumperi arme din HQ:
  • /order 1 (350 mats) - Rank 1+: Deșert Eagle.
  • /order (2850 mats) - Rank 2+: Deșert Eagle, M4.
  • /order 3 (5850 mats) - Rank 3+: Deșert Eagle, M4, Rifle.
  • /order 4 (6500 mats) - Rank 4+: Deșert Eagle, M4, TEC-9, Combat Shotgun, Rifle.


Liderul poate schimba rank-ul necesar pentru accesarea seifului factiunii (droguri, materiale).



4. Regulament


  • Pentru atacarea unui teritoriu se folosește siteul rpg.b-zone.ro de către membrii mai mari de rank 4.
  • Durata unui war este de 30 de minute.
  • Punctajul se calculează astfel:
  • Fiecare kill în acea rundă aduce un punct.
  • La fiecare 30 de secunde gangul cu cei mai mulți membri pe turf primește un punct.
  • La finalul fiecărei runde gangul cu cele mai multe puncte primește rundă.
  • Pentru a câștiga warul trebuie să câștigați majoritatea rundelor.




5. Regulament forum


  • Orice membru al facțiunii are obligația de a verifică zilnic forumul pentru actualizări ale regulamentului.
  • Este interzis să faceți spam în topicul cu Discuții între Membri.
  • În topicul de Discuții între Membri se vor poștă numai lucruri importante sau semnificative, nicidecum mesaje de genul: Bună Ziua, Salut, Noapte Bună, Ce mai faceți?, Mă duc să mănânc și orice altceva asemănător.
  • Încălcarea regulilor forumului duce și la sancționarea voastră în joc.


** În funcție de gravitate membrii gangului vor fi sancționați cu Avertisment verbal (AV), Faction Warn (FW), rank down sau demitere.





1. Informations


Green Streed Bloods is a mafia, located in the city of Los Santos, dealing in illegal business (weapons / drugs / money laundering etc..). We are a respected clan that does not tolerate any nonsense or any jokes. We try to do our job as well as possible at any cost.


Mafia motto: "Never quit and you will be a winner."


Vehicles per rank


Rank 1-2: Admiral, Huntley, FCR-900.

Rank 3: Remington. 

Rank 4: Maverick (provided that he announces on /f).

Rank 5: Stretch (provided that he announces on /f).


Faction skins:






Rank 1-5


Skin_106.png Skin_271.png Skin_269.png






Wearing the skin of higher ranks is not allowed. You can wear the skins of your rank and the skins of lower ranks (e.g. rank 4 can wear the skins of rank 1, 2 and 3). Not respecting this rule will lead to a verbal warning, and then a faction warn.

Rank-up requests are allowed, but not in an abusive way, spamming the leader. Anyone who breaks the rule may receive a Faction Warn.


2. Behavior


  • Any conflict between colleagues will be resolved immediately with the leadership of the faction.
  • Higher-ranking members, especially those in faction leadership, have an obligation to resolve these conflicts.
  • If those involved in the conflict do not stop when a higher ranking member intervenes, they will be penalized with Faction Warn.
  • conflicts between colleagues on faction chat [/f] are strictly prohibited and are punishable by Faction Warn.
  • Making fun of or offending faction leadership will result in you being sanctioned (From Faction Warn to Dismissal).
  • If a colleague tries to start a conflict, you have the obligation not to respond.
  • Instead take pictures of what it tells you and contact the faction leadership.
  • It is forbidden to report colleagues on the website. [except advertising, illegal business, codes].
  • The Mafia is run by the Leader, Subleader and Rank 5 Members.
  • You have an obligation to obey whatever your faction leadership tells you.

3. Deathmatch(DM) and Drive-By(DB)


  • Drive-By is allowed only as a passenger and only with an automatic weapon [MP5, M4, AK47, TEC-9].
  • Drive-By is not allowed as without a driver.
  • Attacking outside safe zones is allowed as follows: going after the blacklist, defending against an attacker, attacking other gangsters within the limits of common sense.
  • It is strictly forbidden to attack other gangsters, and not only, at meetings, events, trainings, auctions or other important actions.
  • If you are attacked without reason you have the right to defend yourself after gathering clear evidence that you were attacked first.
  • Person who attacked you can be blacklisted or reported on the forum [except when you are wanted and the police attack you to arrest you].
  • The DM will only be penalized when there is clear evidence (preferably video / more pictures) that the player in question did the DM. The damage information message is not enough for the DM to sanction (nor is the one that specifies who killed you and from what distance).


4. Faction Commands


  • /f - Rank 1+: gang chat.
  • /fdeposit - Rank 1+: deposit money in the gang vault.
  • /fputdrugs - Rank 1+: Store drugs in the gang vault.
  • /fgetdrugs - Rank 1+: get drugs from the gang vault.
  • /turfs - Rank 1+: show territories.
  • /gc - Rank1+: Talk on alliance chat.
  • /leavewar - Rank1+: Leave optional wars.
  • /guns - Rank1+: get guns in optional wars.
  • /fines - Rank1+: the list of players who received a fine, also if you have a fine you can pay it directly from the game with this command.
  • /stealers - Rank1+: See a list of players who have stolen a faction car.
  • /tie - Rank 3+: Tie a person in the car with you if you are the driver of the car.
  • /untie - Rank 3+: Untie bound person.
  • /tduty - Rank4+ & Tester: you are on duty as a tester.
  • /backup - Rank4+: call for reinforcements.
  • /fvr - Rank5+: respawn all faction vehicles.
  • /ftalkpower - Rank5+: set the minimum rank that can write on the gang chat.
  • /fwithdraw - Leader only: take money from the gang safe.
  • /fwithdrawpower - Leader only: change the rank access for accessing the faction safe (money, drugs, materials).
  • /order - buy weapons from HQ:
  • /order 1 (350 mats) - Rank 1+: Desert Eagle.
  • /order 2 (2850 mats) - Rank 2+: Desert Eagle, M4.
  • /order 3 (5850 mats) - Rank 3+: Desert Eagle, M4, Rifle.
  • /order 4 (6500 mats) - Rank 4+: Desert Eagle, M4, TEC-9, Combat Shotgun, Rifle.


The leader can change the rank needed to access the faction safe (drugs, materials).



5. Regulation


  • To attack a territory, the site rpg.b-zone.ro is used by members higher than rank 4.
  • The duration of a war is 30 minutes.
  • The score is calculated as follows:
  • Each kill in that round earns one point.
  • Every 30 seconds the gang with the most members on the turf gets a point.
  • At the end of each round the gang with the most points gets the round.
  • To win the war you must win the majority of rounds.





6. Forum regulation


  • Every faction member is required to check the forum daily for rule updates.
  • Spamming in the Member Discussion thread is prohibited.
  • Only important or meaningful things will be posted in the topic Discussions between Members, never messages like: Good morning, Hello, Good night, How are you?, I'm going to eat and anything else like that.
  • Violating the forum rules will also get you banned in the game.

** Depending on the severity, gang members will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning (AV), Faction Warn (FW), rank down or dismissal.

  • The leader has the obligation to give the correct sanction regardless of the rank of the member.
  • Small mistakes, small slips or violation of not very important rules will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning.
  • Obvious rules mistakes will be directly sanctioned with Faction Warn.
  • Serious rules mistakes will be sanctioned Faction Warn + rank down.
  • Very serious mistakes, conflicts, vulgar language, insults and so on will be directly sanctioned with dismissal.
  • Members who do not have at least 2 weeks in the faction will be dismissed with Faction Punish 60.
  • Faction Punish 10 [meaning 3 FWs] members who have been in the faction for at least 2 weeks will be dismissed.
  • If the one to be dismissed is at least 2 weeks old and has grossly violated faction rules, he can be dismissed with Faction Punish 60.
  • The leader has an obligation to sanction his members only with a clear reason and based on evidence.
  • Mandatory activities may be organized by the leader with good reason and with the approval of a Senior Admin. Since they will be quite rare, all members must show up and are not entitled to leave, except for players who need inactivity for that week. A mandatory activity is valid as long as it is announced at least one week in advance. (penalty: Faction Warn)


Edited by Adelante
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