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Cerere - Dragonball - Logo.


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  • Nick: Dragonball
  • Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo): Logo.
  • Imagine (Optional): 2jd3ous.png
  • Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine): -
  • Text: Dragonball
  • Dimensiuni: Ca si in imagine..
  • Alte precizari: Doresc poza din acea imagine si scrisul "Tow Truck Company" sa fie acolo unde e si in poza, doar sa inlocuiti "Member" cu "Dragonball" (nu in ghilimele) si font'ul.

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nWo Lincoln

I don't like your image, you saw in my post, that image is edited, added reflections, and much others, and I said i wan't a new font, not the same, thank you for trying.

Mai astept alte lucrari.

Edited by rTs Dragonball
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