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İ need Help For Sa:Mp :))))))) Thanx for all


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i have problems


How to be a Police

How to buy car

How to buy weapon license -flying license ?


thanx for all :)))


Hello :)


1. To be Police member you must have level 15+ and after can apply at one department - http://forum.b-zone.ro/forum/1300-departments/

Before apply, read and learn the rules.

2. To buy car, you must go to Dealership and type /buyvehicle. You will have one list and can choose.

Or if you have low level, you will receive automatically from server at level 1 - Faggio, level 5 - Bobcat etc

3. Licenses you can buy from School Instructor members. They are on TAB with color light green. Before contact one School Instructor member, read and learn the rules from here.


Good luck!

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i have problems

You should have a car if you signed up after new updates try this command /locatecar in the game and a red checkpoint will show your car on the map

and for licenses check This for RPG 1 & This for RPG 2 (depends on which server do you play) and click on School instructors and you'll see Online members with a green Star beside their name then in game /call them and tell I want to get licenses If you don't have money it's llegal to ask for money to buy /licenses on /report from an admin.


Good luck

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Hey KingKiller3434,

-So here is about cars, when you register you automaticly get a tutorial car and u can't sell it even if you sell it at Dealership the price is 0$ well to own your personnel car you have at least to reach level 5 then you can buy them from Players or Dealership To buy a vehicle from Dealership you need to go to the location and type /buyvehicle at the icon, And here is a Picture with the location of the Dealership: - Click - Click . , also if you decided to buy a vehicle from dealership you can see the prices easily here and take your choice - Click -

-Now to buy licenses you must contact a school instructor they'r name colors are like this thiscolor , also you will find all information about the trial's they give you to take licenses here and also prices - Click - but they'r in romanian so i will send you a English copy.

-About Police Departemants, To be a Police Departemant Member you have to reach at least level 15 then you will have to make an application at what you would like to join ther is different police departemants, Los santos Police departemant, Las Venturas Police departemant , San Fierro Police Departemant, Federal Bureau of Investigations also National Guards . and of course you will need to read the rules of each departemant


i hope that this has helped you, Good luck.

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As you have posted the same question on "Questions about the SA-MP RPG server" topic, i will close this topic. Please don't create new topics in future, just make a reply on "Questions about the SA-MP RPG server" topic.

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