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[BUG] Jail


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Aici chair e o tampenie... Eram in casa pe /sleep si am iesit 5 min din joc.. cand am intrat

* You are in Jail for 6000 seconds because you left the server with Wanted Level

Incomplete Jail Sentence, back to jail...



frate in cazul asta nu imi convine sa stau 6k sec degeaba in jail:| daca bugul nu va fi rezolvat eu voi disparea de pe b-zone..

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Guest BooGeYMaN

Eu stau cate 6000 de scunde de fiecare data cand intru ! Cand ies nu am wanted da cand intru imi da 6 000 de sekunde! Nui nimic deschid si eu SAMP cu 2 ore inainte de a avea chef sa joc ! :))

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