Bobo Posted September 14, 2013 Share Posted September 14, 2013 Romana Vacanta de vara a anului 2013 e pe cale sa se sfarseaca, in timp ce scoala ne bate la usa. Va asteptam in perioada 15-17 Septembrie pe serverele RPG sa petrecem putinul timp care ne-a mai ramas. O serie de evenimente vor avea loc dupa programul de mai jos: 15 Septembrie 14:00 - Free LevelUP 15:00 - One free Premium account 16:00 - Find the vehicle 21:00 - 2 Respect points + $10 000* 16 Septembrie 19:00 - One free Premium account 19:30 - MotoGP race 20:00 - 2 Respect points + $10 000* 21:00 - Free LevelUP 17 Septembrie 19:00 - One free Premium account 19:30 - Par/Impar 20:00 - 2 Respect points + $10 000* 21:00 - Free LevelUP Explicatii evenimente: Free Level UP Toti jucatorii online vor primi un Level UP gratuit. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa fiti conectati imediat dupa payday. Cine nu va fi online in momentul acordarii premiului nu il mai poate recupera. Punctele de respect acumulate vor ramane neatinse. 2 Respect points + $10 000 Toti jucatorii online vor primi 2 puncte de respect si $10 000 bani in joc. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa fiti conectati imediat dupa payday. Cine nu va fi online in momentul acordarii premiului nu il mai poate recupera. *Extra: In cazul in care serverul RPG1 va atinge 1000 jucatori, respectiv RPG2 peste 350 jucatori online, vor fi acordate 2 Respect points + $10 000 in momentul de varf. Aceste beneficii se vor acorda o singura data pe zi in conditiile precizate anterior. One free Premium account Toti jucatorii online au sanse egale de a castiga Premium Account. Se va alege un id la intamplare de pe server utilizand si vom acorda Premium Account acestuia. Daca acest jucator are deja Cont Premium vom extrage un nou numar. Find the vehicle Mai multe vehicule vor fi ascunse pe server. Jucatorii vor cauta un vehicul dupa indiciile oferite. Cel care gaseste respectiva masina o va pastra. Masina va fi adaugata din Shop. MotoGP Race Pe un circuit construit de noi se vor organiza mai multe editii de curse de viteza mare. Jucatorii vor fi alesi aleatoriu pentru a participa la event. Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore. Par/Impar Jucatorii care vor sa participe la acest event isi vor exprima dorinta pe /report, urmand sa fie teleportati intr-un interior special. Aici vor fi aliniati cu totii la un perete, iar un admin va trece prin dreptul fiecaruia aruncand cu zarul. Daca jucatorul ghiceste de inainte daca zarul va fi par/impar, acesta va trece in etapa urmatoare. Altfel, acesta va fi omorat. Jocul se incheie cand ramane un singur om in viata. Premiul este de $50 000 si 5RP. Va asteptam pe toti! English Summer holidays of 2013 are about to end, while the beggining the school is coming fast. We are waiting you starting with 15th of Sept to 17th of Sept on our RPG servers to spend the remaining time with us. A series of events will take place following the schedule: 15 Septembrie 14:00 - Free LevelUP 15:00 - One free Premium account 16:00 - Find the vehicle 21:00 - 2 Respect points + $10 000* 16 Septembrie 19:00 - One free Premium account 19:30 - MotoGP race 20:00 - 2 Respect points + $10 000* 21:00 - Free LevelUP 17 Septembrie 19:00 - One free Premium account 19:30 - Par/Impar 20:00 - 2 Respect points + $10 000* 21:00 - Free LevelUP Here you can find the explanations for each event: Level UP All online players will receive on Level UP for fere. All you have to do is to be connected immediately after the payday. Who is not online in the moment we give the award cannot receive it later. All gathered respect points will remain untouched. 2 Respect points + $10 000 All online players will receive 2 Respect points + $10 000. All you have to do is to be connected immediately after the payday. Who is not online in the moment we give the award cannot receive it later. *Extra: If RPG1 reaches 1000 online players or RPG2 at least 350, 2 Respect points + $10 000 will be given. These gifts will be given once a day following the conditions we mentioned. One free Premium account All online players have an equal chance to win a Premium Account. We will choose a random ID from the server using and will award a Premium Account to that person. If that person already has a Premium Account we will pick a new number. Find the vehicle A bunch of vehicles will be hidden on the server. Players will search for vehicles following the clues given. The player that finds that certain vehicle will keep it. The vehicle will be added from our Shop. MotoGP Race On a circuit built by us there will be several races of high speed. Players will be picked randomly to participate in this event. Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours. Par/Impar Players that want to participate in this event will state this on /report, afterwards getting teleported in a special interior. Here they will all get aligned at a wall and an admin will pass in front of each with dice. If the player guesses beforehand if the dice will be even/odd they will go in the next round. Otherwise, they will get killed. The game ends when only one player is left alive. The prize is $50.000 and 5RP. We are waiting you all! 26 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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