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69 Pier Mobs - Assasins

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Data şi ora: 17.08.2015, 18:15.

Membrii prezenţi: Spawn.; [F4L]balon.
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată: Alex1MADNESS
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay): http://imgur.com/a/KTEH6
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/a/KTEH6
Alte precizări: Trebuie scos de pe BlackListul
69 Pier Mobs.

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Data şi ora:03/09/2015 21:40

Membrii prezenţi: Necomercial
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată: Insane
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/54QXd60
Alte precizări: E scos de pe lista BL al factiunii!

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Data şi ora: 19.10.2015 / ora 15:00

Membrii prezenţi: Necomercial & tuddypwnz
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată: Winston
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/8sUVNO7
Alte precizări:

Edited by Necomercial
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Data şi ora: 25.10.2015 ora 20:10

Membrii prezenţi: [F4L]balon&[F4L]Anca&[AA]MLO
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată: [sJB]Pana2014
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
http://imgur.com/SIlv43P problema.... la spatiu
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/TViM9X3
Alte precizări:

Edited by F4L Balon
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Data şi ora: 25.10.2015; 20:00

Membrii prezenţi: [F4L]Anca, [F4L]balon, [AA]MLO
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată: xSergiu[N]47
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/3yflsZi
Alte precizări: -

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Data şi ora: 31.10.2015

Membrii prezenţi: [F4L]Anca, [F4L]balon
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată:T.adryan28,diablox_xx
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/42BWHLi
Alte precizări: -

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Data şi ora: 31.10.2015

Membrii prezenţi: [F4L]Anca, [F4L]balon
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată:mr.expresso
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/a/NhDIv
Alte precizări: A inceput sa planga. A venit cu bani in dinti singur.

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Data şi ora: 14.11.2015, 19:30

Membrii prezenţi: Vi0r3l
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată: Aditzaro
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/skQB4I5
Alte precizări: Trebuie scos de pe BlackListul 69 Pier Mobs.

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Lista cu asasini actualizata dupa cum urmeaza:

Lider: WhixyCFR

Sublider: Expres

Membrii: tuddypwnz ; vi0r3l ; DuduStef ; AnonimUser ; Flashgun ; [F4L]Anca


Lista va fi pusa si pe prima pagina a topicului, pana atunci sa se stie cine face parte din ea.

De asemenea lista poate suferi modificari.

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Data şi ora: 17.11.2015, 23:28

Membrii prezenţi: WhixyCFR,Vi0r3l
Numele celui/celei ce a plătit suma datorată: Norbistelistu10
Numărul de avertismente al acestuia/acesteia: 1/2
Dovada că a plătit (/transfer sau /pay):
Dovada că aţi depozitat suma în HQ: http://imgur.com/hCxHxgs
Alte precizări: Trebuie scos de pe BlackListul 69 Pier Mobs.

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Bun, in urma cu schimbarea liderului am decis sa fac si niste schimbari pe lista assasinilor.

Noul lider al gruparii de asasini 69 PM va fi : Vio
Acesta il avea ca ajutor pe : NewKiNG

El se va ocupa de recrutarea membrilor in grupare.

Membrii gruparii de asasini :
- Luke.Beleaua[VIP]

Edited by Unchiu ZEW
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The team of assassins need 4 members because all members have left the faction.

Minimum requirements to enter the assassin team:

1. Activity (without unjustified absences from meetings/training/war sites)
2. Seriousness and discipline:
3. Lack of family warnings (verbal warning/Faction Warn):
4. Knowing the rules of assassins team.
5. Skill 5 Detective .
6. rank 2 +

The model to apply in group:

The reason you want to join us:
SS with /skills (skill 5 detective):

Extra rules:

Blacklist Rules

- the blacklist will contain players with a minimum level of 7, no matter if they are faction members or civilians.
- adding a player on the blacklist can be done by rank 4+ members based on proofs that will be posted on the forum in the appropriate topic for the blacklist. (punishments: Faction Warn, Rank Down)
- removing a player from the blacklist can be done by rank 4+ members when the player was wrongly added, removing a player without proper reason will be punished. (punishments: Faction Warn, Rank Down)
- players on the blacklist can be killed constantly [except department members] until they pay the blacklist, excepting Safe Zones and important activities like events, gatherings, legal jobs, auctions, etc.
- players on the blacklist can receive 1 or 2 warnings depending on the situation.
-- 1 warning: light offenses or mocking the member or the faction, disturbing the member when doing his duty, DM/DB with no reason, kamikaze.
-- 2 warnings: vulgar language, excessive DM/DB, excessively disturbing the member when doing his duty or at activities.
- department blacklist will not be given for things that can be punished with wanted.
- players will receive a warning for each offence.
- faction members on the blacklist have 72 hours if they don't have an inactivity request to pay the blacklist or get dismissed.
- paying the blacklist can be done on the website or directly in game with the correct commands, without having to pay a member of that faction.
- once the payment has been made the player will automatically get removed from the blacklist.
- faction members that ask or accept money for the blacklist instead of informing the player to use the correct commands will get dismissed.


- Level 7-9 (1/2 warnings) - 3.750$
- Level 7-9 (2/2 warnings) - 7.500$

- Level 10-15 (1/2 warnings) - 7.500$
- Level 10-15 (2/2 warnings) - 15.000$

- Level 16+ (1/2 warnings) - 15.000$

- Level 16+ (2/2 warnings) - 30.000$



Only Assasin team Leader can answer the applications. Good luck everyone.

Edited by South Farouk
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The reason you want to join us:I want help You in your Job and i want skin rank 4 and i want kill nobs

SS with /skills (skill 5 detective): Skill5 [Arms dealer , Drugs Dealer , Detective , Car Mechanic ]

Edited by AIM Zikou
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The reason you want to join us: hmmm i want kill noobs =)) + skin rank 4 :>
SS with /skills (skill 5 detective): of course i am =)) no need ss

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Date and time: 11/04/2016

Group number: Starp
Members that were present: 0 Permisson from subleader Sabzeroo
Name of target: Pitiless
Number of BlackList warnings of that player: 1
How many times you killed the target: 3
Anything to add?: http://imgur.com/kZChdgWPaied

Pitiless has paied the blacklist --> removed

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The team of assassins need 4 members

Minimum requirements to enter the assassin team:

1. Activity (without unjustified absences from meetings/training/war sites)
2. Seriousness and discipline:
3. Lack of family warnings (verbal warning/Faction Warn):
4. Knowing the rules of assassins team.
5. Skill 5 Detective .
6. rank 2 +

The model to apply in group:

The reason you want to join us:
SS with /skills (skill 5 detective):

Extra rules:

Blacklist Rules

- the blacklist will contain players with a minimum level of 7, no matter if they are faction members or civilians.
- adding a player on the blacklist can be done by rank 4+ members based on proofs that will be posted on the forum in the appropriate topic for the blacklist. (punishments: Faction Warn, Rank Down)
- removing a player from the blacklist can be done by rank 4+ members when the player was wrongly added, removing a player without proper reason will be punished. (punishments: Faction Warn, Rank Down)
- players on the blacklist can be killed constantly [except department members] until they pay the blacklist, excepting Safe Zones and important activities like events, gatherings, legal jobs, auctions, etc.
- players on the blacklist can receive 1 or 2 warnings depending on the situation.
-- 1 warning: light offenses or mocking the member or the faction, disturbing the member when doing his duty, DM/DB with no reason, kamikaze.
-- 2 warnings: vulgar language, excessive DM/DB, excessively disturbing the member when doing his duty or at activities.
- department blacklist will not be given for things that can be punished with wanted.
- players will receive a warning for each offence.
- faction members on the blacklist have 72 hours if they don't have an inactivity request to pay the blacklist or get dismissed.
- paying the blacklist can be done on the website or directly in game with the correct commands, without having to pay a member of that faction.
- once the payment has been made the player will automatically get removed from the blacklist.
- faction members that ask or accept money for the blacklist instead of informing the player to use the correct commands will get dismissed.


- Level 7-9 (1/2 warnings) - 3.750$
- Level 7-9 (2/2 warnings) - 7.500$

- Level 10-15 (1/2 warnings) - 7.500$
- Level 10-15 (2/2 warnings) - 15.000$

- Level 16+ (1/2 warnings) - 15.000$

- Level 16+ (2/2 warnings) - 30.000$

Only Assasin team Leader can answer the applications. Good luck everyone.

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Rank: 2
The reason you want to join us: I would really enjoy to join assassin team to help executing people who are on black list.
SS with /skills (skill 5 detective): http://imgur.com/HJR8Aiy

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