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The Tsar Bratva - Evidenţă war-uri / Wars evidence


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                                                                                                               Evidenta 14.05.2019

Lv - minim 900 de secunde.

Ls,Sf - minim 300 de secunde.


      El Loco Cartel 4 - 11 The Tsar Bratva



Absenti la acest war: -


       The Tsar Bratva 15 - 0 Red Dragon Triad



Absenti la acest war: -


      The Tsar Bratva 15 - 0 Red Dragon Triad



 Absenti la acest war: CosminT Alkapone.ATENTAT (min 900s)


 Absent la 1/3 - avertisment verbal - Alkapone.Atentat, CosminT.
Absent la 2/3 - avertisment verbal + amendă 10.000$ .
Absent la 3/3 - faction warn - 


Invoiti: Speedy, Pinti, Bawz, BogdySeJoaca.


Daca intampinati vreo greseala, astept pm pentru remediere.



Edited by Andrei 13 VIP
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                                    Evidenta 16.05.2019

War: 20:00-20:30    TTB 15-0 RDT
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12034
Absenti de la acest war: Pinti, Squatch., Ezk, Cranken,  Speedy, OdySsEu

War: 20:30-21:00    TTB 14-1 RDT
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12036
Absenti de la acest war: Pinti, Ezk, JuNNkyKIA


War: 21:00-21:30    GSB 0-15 TTB
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12040
Absenti de la acest war: OdySsEu, ArseniePapacioc2, Ezk, Pinti, [Cr, Speedy


Membrii santionati:
-Absenti 1/3: ( Avertisment Verbal ); [Cr, ArseniePapacioc2, JuNNkyKIA, Squatch., Cranken
-Absenti 2/3: ( Avertisment Verbal + Amenda $10.000 ); OdySsEu, Speedy,  
-Absenti 3/4:( Faction Warn); Pinti, Ezk
-Invoiti: Panda.., Apricot


Daca ceva este in neregula astept PM! Multumesc!


Edited by Amandina
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                            Evidenta war 20.05.2019

War: SP 7-8 TTB
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12052
Absenti de la acest war: [Cr, ZedriNN., BadWolf, Squatch., Apricot, Alkapone.ATENTAT, CosminT


War: TTB 10-5 ELC
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12056
Absenti de la acest war: Alkapone.ATENTAT, PUNISHER., IonutROYAL, JuNNkyKIA, CrankeN, [AIM]b0p, BadWolf, Apricot[FTW], ZedriNN., Squatch., [Cr

War: TTB 14-1 RDT
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12053
Absenti de la acest war: Alkapone.ATENTAT, PUNISHER., Squatch., ZedriNN., [AIM]b0p, Apricot[FTW]


Membrii santionati:
-Absenti 1/3:( Avertisment Verbal );AIM]b0p
-Absenti 2/3:( Avertisment Verbal + Amenda $10.000 ); [Cr, BadWolf,, b0p
-Absenti 3/3:( Faction Warn ); ZedriNN., Squatch., Apricot[FTW], Alkapone.ATENTAT, 

-Invoiti: Ezk, Pinti, OdySseu


Daca am gresit undeva, astept PM si se rezolva!

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            Evidenta war 21.05.2019

War: SP 10-5 TTB
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12059
Absenti de la acest war: ZedriNN., IonutROYAL, OdySsEu, ArseniePapacioc2,JavierNo,[uS]Speedy,JuNNkyKIA,Squatch.

War: TTB 14-1 RDT
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12061
Absenti de la acest war:   JavierNo, JuNNkyKIA, OdySsEu

War: TTB 12-3 SP
Link de la war: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/view/12064
Absenti de la acest war:  JuNNkyKIA, ZedriNN., OdySsEu,[GSF]IonutROYAL

Membrii santionati:
-Absenti 1/3:( Avertisment Verbal );ArseniePapacioc2, [uS]Speedy
-Absenti 2/3:( Avertisment Verbal + Amenda $10.000); ZedriNN.,IonutROYAL,JavierNo
-Absenti 3/3:( Faction Warn); OdySsEu, JuNNkyKIA
-Invoiti:[EkT]Sorin[RO], [Cr., Panda.., Badwolf



Daca sunt probleme, astept PM! Spor!

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Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$ - Speedy, Alkapone.ATENTAT, .Elena, Sorin[RO], Vlad.Toretto, [Cr, 1babyAmandina1, b0p, 1baby1Tira1

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal -  IonutROYAL, CrankeN, ArseniePapacioc2, ZedriNN.

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$ - JuNNkyKIA

Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn  - BadWolf, SeKKK., Apricot


Invoiti - JavierNo, CosminT, Bizzle, Beach4Dwin

Inactivitate -

Banat- OdySsEu

*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!

EDIT: 1babytira1 absent 1/4 wars(are secundele in sf, am gresit eu)



Edited by Danyel Svd
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                                                   Evidenta war 28.05.2019

War: TTB-SP 10-5
Absenti la acest war: JavierNo, Apricot, Squatch, SorinRo, JunnkyKia,Badwolf
War2: SP-TTB 3-12
Absenti la acest war: Apricot, Squatch, SorinRo, JavierNo.
War3: SP-TTB 3-12 
Absenti la acest war: Speedy, SorinRo, Cr, Sekk, Squatch.
War4: TTB-GSB 14-1
Absenti la acest war: Sekkk, CosminT, Squatch, SorinRo.

Membri invoiti: Beach4Dwin, Alkapone.atentat
Sanctiuni:  absent 1/4: JunnkyKia, Badwolf, Cr, Speedy, CosminT- amenda 5000$ 
absent 2/4: Sekkk, JavierNo, Apricot,- AV
absent 3/4: ---
absent 4/4: Squatch, SorinRO- Fw

Daca sunt probleme, PM.

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                                                                                        Evidenta war 29.05.2019

War: SP-TTB 5-10
Absenti la acest war: Alkapone.atentat, Badwolf, JunkyKIa, Kinder, Cr, ArseniePapacioc, Squatch.
War2: SP-TTB 7-8
Absenti la acest war: Squatch, JunnkyKia, Alkapone.atentat, Vlad.Toretto, Kinder, ArseniePapacioc.
War3: TTB-RDT 15-0
Absenti la acest war: Vlad.toretto, JunnkyKia, Speedy, Panda, ArseniePapacioc, Squatch, Bjornironside, Kinderr, Alkapone.atentat, 
War4: TTB-SP 8-7
Absenti la acest war: Sekkk, Panda, Vlad.toretto, Alkapone.atentat, Bjornironside, Squatch, Arseniepapacioc, JunnkyKIA, Kinder, Badwolf, 

Membri invoiti: 1babytira1, Bizzle.
Absent 1/4:  Speedy, Sekkk- amenda 5000$
Absent 2/4: Badwolf, Bjornironside, Panda, - AV
Absent 3/4: Vlad.Toretto, CR- AV + 10000$ ,
Absent 4/4: Alkapone.atentat, JunnkyKIA, Kinder, ArseniePapacioc, Squatch. - FW

Pentru nelamuriri/greseli, astept PM.

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Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$ - Speedy, ArseniePapacioc2, [Cr, District., Zinc, Apricot

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - 

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbat+amenda 10.000$ -CosminT

Absent la 4/4 - Bizzle, SeKKK.,



Invoiti - Alkapone.ATENTAT, JavierNo

Inactivitate - 

Banat - 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!




fara evidenta la scor
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Absent la 1/3 - Avertisment Verbal - Speedy, Sorin[RO], ArseniePapacioc2, Constantin

Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal+10.000$ - Alkapone.ATENTAT

Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn -  SeKKK.




Invoiti - JavierNo, Bizzle, District., Apricot, CosminT, 1babyTira1, 1babyAmandina1

Inactivitate - 

Banat - b0p


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!




Edited by Danyel Svd
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Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$ - [Cr, BjornIronSide, Bizzle, Ezk, District., Zinc, 1babyAmandina1, Speedy

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - 

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbat+amenda 10.000$ -

Absent la 4/4 - ArseniePapacioc2



Invoiti - Mas7er, CosminT

Inactivitate - 

Banat - 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!




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Minim secunde la wars: 900



Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn - Vlad.Toretto, Apricot, 14k., Alcapone.ATENTAT, bizzle



Invoiti - Ezk, Bawz, Constantin

Inactivitate - 

Banat - District.


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!




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Absent la 1/4 - Amedna 5.000$ - Panda.., Sorin[RO], Zinc, 

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - BjornIronSide, 

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - Mas7er, [Cr

Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn - BadWolf



Invoiti - CosminT, Beach4Dwin

Inactivitate - 

Banat - District.


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!




Edited by Danyel Svd
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Absent la 1/4 - Amedna 5.000$ - Panda..

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - 

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - BadWolf

Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn - Constantin



Invoiti - 1babyTira1, 1babyAmandina1

Inactivitate - 

Banat -


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!



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Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - Panda.., TeXOwn., Mas7eR, .Elena, BjormIronSide, [Cr, Sorin[RO], Constantin, Ezk

Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn - S3KKKY., CosminT, KindeRr, 



Invoiti - 1babyTira1, District., Sekkarou.

Inactivitate - 

Banat -


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!



Edited by Danyel Svd
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Absent la 1/4 - Amedna 5.000$ - CamPer, Sekkarou., 1babyamandina1, 1babytira1

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - BjornIronSide, Zinc

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - 

Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn - KiNdeRr., S3KKKY.



Invoiti - Maccafloy, [Cr

Inactivitate - CosminT

Banat -


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!


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Absent la 1/4 - Amedna 5.000$ - GoSa

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - Srorin[RO]

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - S3KKKY., [Cr

Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn - 



Invoiti - Maccafloy, Constantin

Inactivitate - CosminT

Banat - Sekkarou., BjornIronSide


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!


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Absent la 1/3 - Avertisment Verbal - LaaBIDI, Beach4Dwin, GoSa, Adem., Maccafloy, Zinc,

Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal+10.000$ - Speedy

Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn -  




Invoiti - 1babytira1, 1babyAmandina1, Constantin, BAWZ, TexOwn, Sorin[RO], [Cr, DumpeL.Nazimus 

Inactivitate - CosminT

Banat - xRaymond, District., MemorySticky, BjornIronSide


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!


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Absent la 1/4 - Amedna 5.000$ - Maccafloy, [Cr, Panda.., Andrei.13, .Elena, 

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - GoSa, Zinc

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - 

Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn - 



Invoiti - Maccafloy, Constantin

Inactivitate - CosminT

Banat - District., MemorySticky, xRaymond, Camper


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


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Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - [Cr

Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn - 



Invoiti - 1babyTira1, Speedy (pm), Panda.., 1babyAmandina1

Inactivitate - 

Banat - Camper, MemorySticky, .Adem., 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!


Edited by Danyel Svd
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Absent la 1/3 - Avertisment Verbal -  Andrei.13, TheEmperor, PUNISHER.

Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal+10.000$ - District., fAbiaN.shunk, 

Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn -  VeterabZi, xSisuFlorin, Zinc, QueenOfYourHeart

Secunde LV: 900

Secunde Sf/LS: 600


Invoiti - Maccafloy, LaaBIDI

Inactivitate - .Elena

Banat - 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!

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Absent la 1/3 - Avertisment Verbal - Bray, JuNNNkyKIA, Sorin[RO]

Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal+10.000$ - VeteranZi, QueenOfYoureHeart, 

Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn - xSisuFlorin 



Invoiti - Speedy, TexOwn., BAWZ, Andrei.13,  

Inactivitate - .Elena

Banat - 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!



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Absent la 1/3 - Avertisment Verbal - Bray, Bawz, GoSa, TeXOwn., Beach4Dwin

Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal+10.000$ - 

Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn - xSisuFlorin, VeteranZi



Invoiti - Andrei.13, Razvanica.Shunk, fAbiaN.shunk, JuNNkyKIA, 1babytira1, 1babyAmandina1

Inactivitate - .Elena

Banat - 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!



Edited by Danyel Svd
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Absent la 1/4 - Amedna 5.000$ - DominiQue.RT, 1babyAmandina1, 1babyTIra1

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - 

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - JuNNkyKIA

Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn 


Invoiti - Maccafloy, fAbiaN.shunk, Razvanica.Shunk, Beach4Dwin, GoSa

Inactivitate - 

Banat - 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


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Absent la 1/3 - Avertisment Verbal - Maccafloy

Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal+10.000$ - Bawz

Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn - QueenOfYoureHeart



Invoiti - 1babyAmandina1, 1babyTira1, fabian.shunk, District., Bray

Inactivitate - 

Banat - 


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!


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Absent la 1/4 - Amedna 5.000$ - Bray, Andrei.13, fAbiaN.shunk, QueenOfYoureHeart, Razvanica.Shunk, Sorin[RO], Zinc, KngONFIRE, LaaBIDI

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal - JuNNkyKIA

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal+amenda 10.000$ - DominiQue.RT

Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn - VeteranZi


Invoiti - District. TheEmperor

Inactivitate - 

Banat - DumpeL.Nazismus


*Pt nelamuriri, greseli si alte chestii PM in 24 de ore*


Aveti la dispozitie 24h sa  platiti amenzile!



Edited by Danyel Svd
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