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The Tsar Bratva - Evidenţă war-uri / Wars evidence


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Atentie !
Toti cei care aveti suma de bani scrisa cu rosu trebuie sa depozitati bani in hq!
Daca sesizati vreo greseala lasati-mi PM.
Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.

All those who have the money in red must deposit funds in hq!

If you see something wrong send me a PM.

Who will post after me will receive FW.

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Atentie !

Toti cei care aveti suma de bani scrisa cu rosu trebuie sa depozitati bani in hq!

Daca sesizati vreo greseala lasati-mi PM.

Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.


All those who have the money in red must deposit funds in hq!

If you see something wrong send me a PM.

Who will post after me will receive FW.

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Atentie !

Toti cei care aveti suma de bani scrisa cu rosu trebuie sa depozitati bani in hq!

Daca sesizati vreo greseala lasati-mi PM.

Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.


All those who have the money in red must deposit funds in hq!

If you see something wrong send me a PM.

Who will post after me will receive FW.

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Atentie !

Toti cei care aveti suma de bani scrisa cu rosu trebuie sa depozitati bani in hq!

Daca sesizati vreo greseala lasati-mi PM.

Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.


All those who have the money in red must deposit funds in hq!

If you see something wrong send me a PM.

Who will post after me will receive FW.

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Atentie !

Toti cei care aveti suma de bani scrisa cu rosu trebuie sa depozitati bani in hq!

Daca sesizati vreo greseala lasati-mi PM.

Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.


All those who have the money in red must deposit funds in hq!

If you see something wrong send me a PM.

Who will post after me will receive FW.

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Atentie !

Toti cei care aveti suma de bani scrisa cu rosu trebuie sa depozitati bani in hq!

Daca sesizati vreo greseala lasati-mi PM.

Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.


All those who have the money in red must deposit funds in hq!

If you see something wrong send me a PM.

Who will post after me will receive FW.

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Atentie !
Toti cei care aveti suma de bani scrisa cu rosu trebuie sa depozitati bani in hq!
Daca sesizati vreo greseala lasati-mi PM.
Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.

All those who have the money in red must deposit funds in hq!

If you see something wrong send me a PM.

Who will post after me will receive FW.

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Daca aveti nelamuriri,intrebari sau sesizati o greseala va rog sa-mi dati PM!

Membrii absenti au fost sanctionati cu 1 AV ( Galben )

Edited by L I O N
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Daca aveti nelamuriri,intrebari sau sesizati o greseala va rog sa-mi dati PM!

Membrii absenti au fost sanctionati cu 1 AV .

Edited by L I O N
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Daca aveti nelamuriri,intrebari sau sesizati o greseala va rog sa-mi dati PM!

Membrii absenti au fost sanctionati cu 1 AV .

Edited by L I O N
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