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Beyond: Two Souls a fost lansat, însă primele review-uri ne indică doar mediocritate


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Cu toate ca pentru moment imi scapa motivul pentru care presa de specialitate americana a dat de pamant cu noul joc adventure al celor de la Quantic Dream (abia am inceput sa-l butonez), treaba nu este tocmai roz pentru Beyond: Two Souls, notele aruncate pe marele internet indicandu-ne ca acesta s-a cam lovit de zidul mediocritatii.

P.S. Am la activ cam sase ore de joc pana in acest moment, iar Beyond: Two Souls cu siguranta nu merita doar o nota de cinci. But hey ...

IGN 6/10

GameSpot 9/10

Game Informer 7.75/10

Edge 5/10

Eurogamer 6/10

Kotaku Yes

Polygon 8/10

Joystiq 2.5/5

Videogamer 4/10

CVG 6/10

Shacknews 5/10

OPM 8/10

Giant Bomb 3/5

Destructoid 5/10

GameTrailers 7.2/10

New York Times Nu au dat notă

Metro 4/10

Inside Gaming 8/10

VentureBeat 88/100

GameFront 55/100

Gameranx 3/10

PSU 9.5/10

GamesRadar 3.5/5

Digital Spy 5/5

TheSixthAxis 6/10

EGM 7.5/10

GamesTM 8/10

God is a Geek 9/10

The Verge No Score

NowGamer 7.5/10

Gamereactor 8/10

PlayStation Lifestyle 8.5/10

Gamersyde No Score

GamingBolt 8/10

Financial Post 8.5/10

Ars Technica No Score

Gaming Illustrated 91/100

Play Magazine 70/100

CheatCC 4.6/5

Gaming Age B/A+

Blistered Thumbs 8/10

Digital Chumps 7/10

Just Push StartS 9/10<p>



Edited by Kevinster
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