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Red Dragon Triad - Evidenta teste / Test log

F4L ShOppS

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  • Nume : gRytos
  • Rank : Dragon Head (Leader)
  • Am dat test cu: rpg2_BogdanN.
  • Data in care am dat testul : 11.09.2024
  • Rezultat test teoretic (x/3): 0/3
  • Rezultat test practic (x/5) : 5-1 pentru el.
  • Alte precizari : Welcome!

  • Nume : gRytos
  • Rank : Dragon Head (Leader)
  • Am dat test cu: Mr.White777
  • Data in care am dat testul : 11.09.2024
  • Rezultat test teoretic (x/3): 2.5/3
  • Rezultat test practic (x/5) : 5-3 pentru mine
  • Alte precizari : A picat testul la proba practic, Mult succes data viitoare!
Edited by Grytos
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  • Nume : gRytos
  • Rank : Dragon Head (Leader)
  • Am dat test cu: KilLa_24
  • Data in care am dat testul : 11.09.2024
  • Rezultat test teoretic (x/3): 2/3
  • Rezultat test practic (x/5) : 5-4 pentru mine
  • Alte precizari : A picat testul la proba practica, Mult succes data viitoare!
Edited by Grytos
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