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1. Toți membrii departamentelor de poliție au obligația de a avea comanda [/timestamp] activată. Cine nu respectă această regulă va fi sancționat cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, fiind sancționat cu FactionWarn dacă se continuă nerespectarea ei.

2. Despre regula cu așteptarea celor trei [3] minute înainte de a omorî suspecții AFK. Membrii departamentelor de politie au obligația de a calcula și secundele înainte de a acționa, deoarece am văzut foarte multe greșeli ale membrilor din facțiune și au fost foarte multe plângeri la adresa lor. Ei au obligația de a aștepta EXACT 180 secunde după anunțarea pe chatul [/d] și înainte de a omorî suspectul. (Acest lucru necesită, bineînțeles, comanda [/timestamp] activată).


1. All PD members must have /timestamp ENABLED at all times. Who doesn't follow this rule will get AV the first time and FW if he continues without it.

2. About the rule of staying 3 minutes before killing an AFK wanted player. PD members must calculcate seconds too. Because I have seen many mistakes from faction members, and many complaints against them, they must wait EXACTLY 180 seconds after announcing on /d and before killing the suspect. (this require of course the /timestamp to be enabled).

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Duminica, 7.08.2016, la ora 16:00 va avea loc un War4Fun cu LSPD la ei in training room. Aceasta activitate tine loc de antrenament, iar la ora 15:45 toata lumea trebuie sa fie in armoury, urmand ca eu sa fac poza cu cei prezenti.


Cine chiar nu poate sa ajunga este rugat sa posteze in topicul cu invoiri antrenamente.



Sunday, 7/08/2016, at 16:00 (GMT +2) we will have a War4Fun with LSPD in their training room. This activity will hold up the place of the training and at 15:45 all of you must be in the armory, following that i make the screenshot with the people that are present.


Who really cannot make it is asked to post in the trainings topic.

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Faction Acitivity Reports should be optional, so that their members can fully enjoy and profit from all events that take place on the server.

Faction reports will be optional until the 11.09.2016.





Raportul de activitate o sa fie optional, astfel ca membrii se pot bucura și profita din plin de toate evenimentele care au loc pe server.

Rapoartele vor fi opționale până pe 11.09.2016



Edited by Just xeS
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Din momentul acesta, antrenamentul va fi in fiecare duminica de la ora 20:00 si sedinta o data la 2 saptamani la ora 21:00.






From this moment, the training will be every Sunday at 20:00 (Server Time) and the meeting once per 2 weeks at 21:00 (Server Time).

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Pe perioada 19/12/2016 pana pe 06/1/2017 rapoartele facțiunilor vor fi opționale și warurile anulate. Sarbatori fericite !




From 19/12/2016 untill 06/01/2017 factions activity reports will be optional and wars canceled. Merry Christmas and happy new year !

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Sambata la ora 20:00 va avea loc un targ organizat de factiunile pasnice, toate departmentele, inclusiv FBI vor participa oferind paza si protectie impotriva DM, DB, kamikaze.


Prezenta obligatorie ! Cine nu vine fara o cerere de inactivitate cu un motiv bun este sanctionat.


Antrenamentul de duminica este anulat, sedinta nu se face.




Saturday we'll have a service market by peaceful factions, all departaments, including FBI will participate ofering security and protection against DM, DB, kamikaze.


FBI members presence will be mandatory ! Who'll not come without an inactivity request with a good reason, will be sanctioned.


Sunday training will be canceled, we don't have meeting.

Edited by Teylo
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Regulamentul intern a fost modificat si updatat, cateva reguli au disparut pentru ca exista acum aici: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/departmentRules

Au fost adaugate 2 reguli:



- Un polilist are voie sa acorde wanted atunci cand un suspect ataca un alt membru al departamentelor in anumite situatii, exemplu: Atunci cand se trage de pe restaurant LS iar cei de jos nu pot vedea suspectul, atunci cand se trage asupra lui de la distante mare iar un coleg vede tot de aproape, alte cazuri (intrebati liderul).


- Atunci cand gasiti o masina dintr-un departament: infernus, bullet, nrg, maverick sa anuntati ca o luati, exemplu: "/d Am gasit un bullet in zona Fort Carson, il iau."



Intern rules was adjusted and updated, few rules have been removed cuz those are already here: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/departmentRules

Two new rules wass added:


A police member is allowed to give wanted when a suspect attacks another department member in some situations, example: When he is shooting from restaurant LS and the cops from hq lspd can see the suspect, when a suspect is shooting from a long distance and another department member sees from close, etc (ask leader).


When you find a car from another department: infernus, nrg, patriot, ranger, etc to announce that you take it, example: "/d I found a infernus in Fort Carson, i'll take it."

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Incepand de astazi, membrii cu rank 5 sunt obligati sa fie prezenti la antrenament/sedinta, ca ceilalti membri.

Beneficiati de asemenea, la 4 invoiri consecutive, ca ceilalti.

Starting today, members with rank 5 are required to be present at the training / meeting, as the other members.
You also benefit from 4 consecutive invoices like others.


Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Aceasta regula a fost modificata:  "6. Daca un jucator cu droguri refuza sa coboare dintr-un vehicul, acesta poate primi wanted 2 pentru neconformare ordin, urmand ca drogurile sa fie confiscate in garajul unui departament, daca suspectul refuza sa coboare se va folosi /eject si dupa /confiscate. Cine nu respecta regula primeste faction warn."

  In:  "6. Daca un jucator cu droguri refuza sa coboare dintr-un vehicul, acesta poate primi wanted 2 pentru neconformare ordin, urmand ca drogurile sa fie confiscate in garajul unui departament, daca suspectul refuza sa coboare se va folosi /eject si dupa /confiscate. Cine nu respecta regula primeste faction warn.(Regula nu se aplica in cazul in care aveti suspectul in Maverick la voi. In acest caz, se aresteaza suspectul, drogurile fiind confiscate la jail)."


ENG: 6. "If a suspect has drugs and refuses to get out of the vehicle, he can receive wanted 2 "Dosibeying orders" and you will confiscate his drugs in to a departament HQ (garage), if the suspect refuses to get down from car it will be used /eject then /confiscate. Who break this rule will get a faction warn.(The rule does not apply if you have the suspect in Maverick with you. In this case, the suspect is arrested, drugs being confiscated in jail)."

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Din momentul acesta, antrenamentul va fi in fiecare duminica de la ora 15:00 si sedinta o data la 2 saptamani la ora 16:00.






From this moment, the training will be every Sunday at 15:00 (Server Time) and the meeting once per 2 weeks at 16:00 (Server Time).

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A fost adaugata o noua regula:

 RO: "Membrii de rank 5 sunt obligati sa anunte printr-un mesaj pe chat-ul departamentului [/r] atunci cand folosesc comanda [/namecover] pentru ei."


 EN: "Rank 5 members are obligated to announce on department's chat [/r] when they are using [/namecover] for personal use."

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Atunci cand un politist incalca regulile de circulatie, acesta o sa fie sanctionat cu o amenda dubla indiferent de fapta comisa, iar in cazul in care n-o achita in 24 de ore primeste (Faction Warn)




When a cop does not obey the trafic rules, he will be punished with a double fine. If he does not pay it in 24h  will get (Faction Warn)

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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate: 

  • Rank 1 - minim 60 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 70 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 80 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 50 puncte
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 puncte + 2 teste lunare(sau observatori la 4 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesită raport de activitate.

Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 10.07.2017




Activity reports have been modified:

  • Rank 1 - minim 60 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 70 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 80 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 50 points.
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 points + 2 test logs per month (or observer at 4 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.

This change will be applied from 10.07.2017

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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate: 

  • Pentru helperi raportul NU este optional, raportul minim pana la rank 5 este de 30 de puncte.
  • Pentru admini raportul NU este optional, raportul minim  este de 20 de puncte.

Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 17.07.2017




Activity reports have been modified:

  • For helpers minumum of points will be 30. *untill rank 5
  • For admins minumum of points will be 20. 

This change will be applied from 17.07.2017

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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate: 

  • Rank 4 - minim 50 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(2 teste lunare(sau observatori la 4 teste)).


-Rank 4 care aleg sa devina testeri si nu-si efectueaza cele 2 teste(sau 4 teste sustinute ca observator) pe luna primesc faction warn.


Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 01.08.2017




Activity reports have been modified:

  • Rank 4 - minim 50 points + the option of being a tester(2 test logs per month (or observer at 4 test logs)).


-Rank 4 who want to become testers and are not making minim 2 test logs(or observer at 4 test logs)per month gets faction warn.


This change will be applied from 01.08.2017

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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate: 

  • Rank 1 - minim 40 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(2 teste lunare(sau observatori la 4 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 puncte + 2 teste lunare(sau observatori la 4 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesită raport de activitate.

Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 07.08.2017




Activity reports have been modified:

  • Rank 1 - minim 40 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 points + the option of being a tester(2 test logs per month (or observer at 4 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 points + 2 test logs per month (or observer at 4 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.

This change will be applied from 07.08.2017

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Din momentul acesta, antrenamentul va fi in fiecare duminica de la ora 20:00 si sedinta o data la 2 saptamani la ora 21:00.






From this moment, the training will be every Sunday at 20:00 (Server Time) and the meeting once per 2 weeks at 21:00 (Server Time).

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Cand confiscati armele unui jucator, sunteti obligati sa-i spuneti si motivul. Un simplu text cu "armele la vedere" este suficient, in caz contrar o sa primiti un Avertisment Verbal.




When you confiscate a player`s weapons, you also have to tell him why,  a simple "weapon on sight" is enough, otherwise you will get a Verbal Warning.

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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate: 

  • Rank 4 - minim 40 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 puncte + 1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste).

Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 01.11.2017




Activity reports have been modified:

  • Rank 4 - minim 40 points + the option of being a tester(1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 points + 1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs).

This change will be applied from 01.11.2017

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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  • South MaxyMusS changed the title to F.B.I. - News and Informations


FBI Logo s-a schimbat ! De acum o sa avem Logo-urile diferite pentru toate topic-urile !

Aici puteti sa verificati https://imgur.com/a/9Iryv . O sa schimbam in curand !


FBI Logo has changed ! From now on we will have different logos for all topics!

Here you can verify https://imgur.com/a/9Iryv . It will be changed in a short period of time !

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  1.  Pentru a-i acorda wanted 3 "cop attack" unui jucator, acesta trebuie sa va atace cu pumnii de minim 4 ori sau sa traga cu arma in voi (chiar si in jail) (Puteti sa aveti un video in care apare textul de la DMG Informer-ul server-ului care va indica cine a tras in voi). Cine nu respecta regula primeste faction warn
  2. Atata timp cat aveti [/duty] ON, sunteti obligati sa purtati skin-ul specific rank-ului, in caz contrar riscati Avertisment verbal.

Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 13.12.2017




  1. In order to give wanted 3 "cop attack" to a player, he has to give you at least 4 fists or shoot you with a gun.(even inside jail) (You can have in which it will show you the text of servers DMG Informer wich will show you who shot you). Who break this rule will get a faction warn.
  2. As long as you have [/duty on], you are required to wear the skin specific to your rank, otherwise you will get a Verbal Warning.

This change will be applied from 13.12.2017

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Rapoarte de activitate

In perioada 18.12.2017 - 07.01.2018 (inclusiv) rapoartele de activitate vor fi optionale pentru toata lumea.

Tot cu ocazia sarbatorilor va anunt ca regula cu minim 20 de ore jucate pe luna membrilor factiunilor NU se va aplica in aceasta luna. Stim ca multi dintre voi o sa aveti alte preocupari decat sa stati pe sa-mp sau pur și simplu doriti sa va relaxati si sa nu va stresati cu asa ceva.



Activity reports

During 18.12.2017 - 07.01.2018 (includd) activity reports will be optional for everyone.

Also in celebration of the holidays I want to let you know that the rule of at least 20 hours played per month for faction members WILL NOT apply this month. We know that many of you have other concerns beside playing sa-mp or you simply want to relax and don't stress yourselves about this.

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