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Draw Slasher – un popular joc al Playstation Vita ajunge in App Store (Video)


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Draw Slasher este un joc lansat in cursul noptii trecute in App Store-ul companiei Apple si vorbim despre un port al unui joc popular pentru Playstation Vita. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din clipul video de mai sus, vorbim despre un titlu care preia modul de interactiune al Fruit Ninja si il duce la un cu totul alt nivel, dezvoltatorii oferindu-va posibilitatea de a distruge hoarde de zombii folosind simple slash-uri. In joc veti avea controlul asupra unui ninja numit Hanzo, el trebuind sa distruga maimutele zombie pirate care i-au rapid familia.
FROM PSVITA TO iOS – ENJOY CONSOLE QUALITY ON YOUR SCREEN! Meet Hanzo. He’s a ninja. While he was training ‘out there’ the Pirate Monkey Zombies™ – stupid, ugly, smelly, rotten and disgusting creatures – kidnapped his family. Take control of his awesome blade and aid him in the quest to free them. You need just your finger to play. Draw a line to jump, dash, dodge and slash. Tap to run. Pinch the screen to summon powerful Ninjutsu Techniques – super-efficient against the ‘rottents’.
Titlul este un endless arcade survival game, are un sistem de control special gandit pentru terminale mobile, iar in App Store il gasiti in format universal.
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