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Worms™ 3 este din nou disponibil la pret redus in App Store Romania


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Worms 3 a fost lansat in luna august in App Store pentru posesorii de iDevice-uri, iar incepand de astazi este disponibil la pret redus pentru toti cei interesati. Jocul a fost dezvoltat exclusiv pentru platforma iOS, conform dezvoltatorilor sai, intregul motor grafic si gameplay-ul fiind modificate special pentru utilizatorii dornici de o experienta complet noua. Jocul are in continuare binecunoscutele clase de rame care v-au ajutat sa petreceti atat de mult timp pe iDevice-urile voastre, insa nu trebuie uitat nici modulul multiplaer care va permite sa va provocati prietenii, sau persoane necunoscute la jocuri online.
The follow up to the award-winning, best-selling Worms 2: Armageddon is here! Worms™ 3 has been designed and developed exclusively for iOS. DEAL yourself the advantage with a new, game-changing enhancement. Turn on the card mode and alter the start and end of each turn by the playing of strategic cards. COLLECT in-game rewards that allow you to purchase bronze, silver and gold cards. Build your deck from 41 fiendishly designed cards!
ENLIST your perfect battle combination as you choose your worms from a new ‘Class’ system – Heavy, Scientist, Scout and classic Soldier. Each has their own unique skill and ability. Which will fit in with your style of play. Show off your skills by earning Achievements! A delightful blend of both the simple and complex, these goals have been deliberately engineered to push you and your wormy skills to the limits!
PLAY online with asynchronous multiplayer warfare. Enroll in ranked or friendly matches and show off your prowess. Remember, with asynchronous multiplayer you don’t have to commit to a full session at a time. Take your turn then go beat your friends score in the single-player Bodycount mode!BATTLE in multiplayer Forts or Deathmatch modes and challenge yourself with the increasingly difficult Bodycount single-player game.
Worms 3 este disponibil la pret redus pentru o perioada limitata de timp, asa ca daca sunteti interesati de el, ar fi bine sa il achizitionati.
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