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Download SA-MP 0.3z


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Serverele B-Zone RPG au trecut pe noua versiune de SA-MP 0.3z. Pentru a va putea conecta trebuie sa va actualizati clientul vostru. Conectarea cu fostul client(0.3x) nu mai este posibila. Urmati pasii urmatori:


1. Mergeti in folderul in care ati instalat SA-MP. Ex: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas.

2. Deschideti executabilul Uninstall SA-MP si urmati instructiunile afisate.

3. Descarcati noul client SA-MP 0.3z de pe http://b-zone.ro/downloads/sa-mp-0.3z-R1-install.exe.

4. Distractie placuta! :)





B-Zone RPG servers have been updated to the latest version SA-MP 0.3z. You have to update your client in order to connect to them. You are unable to connect with the old 0.3x client. Follow these steps:


1. Open the folder where you installed SA-MP. Ex: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas.

2. Open Uninstall SA-MP and follow the instructions.

3. Download the new SA-MP 0.3z client from http://b-zone.ro/downloads/sa-mp-0.3z-R1-install.exe.

4. Have fun! :)

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