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Red Dragon Triad - Evidenta war/War Evidence


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Evidenta wars 19.02.2024

danny21jet$ki[00] Inactivitate
[AIM]Lyce Invoit
[TLG]BogdanKIA Inactivitate
JilkasMeister Invoit
TedMosby[ZEW] Invoit
Zenthos[ToV] amenda $25.000
JereGusterul amenda $25.000
REDiNG[00] amenda $25.000

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Evidenta wars 20.02.2024

[TLG]BogdanKIA Inactivitate
JilkasMeister Invoit
[AIM]Unchiu. Invoit
[AIM]Lyce Invoit
danny21jet$ki[00] Inactivitate
Zenthos[ToV] amenda $25.000
[TLG]Eric. amenda $25.000
CristiSenzatye[ToV] amenda $25.000
TedMosby[ZEW] amenda $25.000

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Evidenta wars 21.02.2024

REDiNG[00] amenda $25.000
AlbertoTND47[SIUU] amenda $25.000
[uS]JilkasMeister AV + amenda $50.000
Danette.[ToV] amenda $25.000

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Evidenta wars 22.02.2024

danny21jet$ki[00] Inactivitate
[TLG]BogdanKIA Inactivitate
JoRo Invoit
sTxAndrei Invoit
REDiNG[00] Invoit
[AIM]BeyondOwn Invoit
[AIM]Lyce amenda $25.000

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[TLG]Eric. Invoit
[TLG]BogdanKIA Inactivitate
Zenthos[ToV] Invoit
danny21jet$ki[00] Inactivitate
TedMosby[ZEW] Invoit
[AIM]BeyondOwn AV + amenda $50.000
CristiSenzatye[ToV] AV + amenda $50.000
[uS]JilkasMeister FW

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[LPH]REDiNG Invoit
[TLG]BogdanKIA Invoit
sTxAndrei Inactivitate
MajesTiKftww Inactivitate
CristiSenzatye[ToV] Inactivitate
[AIM]Unchiu. Invoit
[AIM]Lyce Invoit
.Dragos. AV + amenda $50.000
Danette.[ToV] AV + amenda $50.000
[MMC]luigifermecatorul AV + amenda $50.000
Teuti. AV + amenda $50.000

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Evidenta 1/03/2024


Teuti. Invoit
[RW]Chim Invoit
[TLG]BogdanKIA Invoit
[TLG]Eric. Invoit
MajesTiKftww Inactivitate
sTxAndrei Inactivitate
CristiSenzatye[ToV] Inactivitate
JoRo[nWo] Invoit
[AIM]Unchiu. AV + amenda $50.000
Lucifer AV + amenda $50.000
Danette.[ToV] AV + amenda $50.000
Rafael AV + amenda $50.000
[MMC]luigifermecatorul FW
qWlad FW
[MMC]MariusSW0W FW
marinakeE Banat

Edited by Dragos
marinakeE era banat
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Evidenta war 04.03.2024

qWlad Absent 2/2 - FW

Rafael Absent 2/2 - FW

stxAndrei - inactivitate

Majestikftww - inactivitate

BogdanKIA - invoit

Chim - inactivitate

Danette - inactivitate

Lyce - invoit

Mahrez - invoit

Teuti. - inactivitate

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Evidenta wars 05.03.2024

Rafael Absent 1/3 - AV

qWlad Absent 3/3 - FW

Majestikftww inactivitate

Chim inactivitate

Teuti. inactivitate

BogdanKIA invoit

stxAndrei inactivitate

Reding invoit

Danette inactivitate

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Evidenta wars 06.03.2024

AlbertoTND47[SIUU] Invoit
Teuti. Inactivitate
[RW]Chim Inactivitate
sTxAndrei Inactivitate
MajesTiKftww Inactivitate
REDiNG Invoit
Danette.[ToV] Inactivitate
[AIM]Lyce Invoit
Rafael FW

Edited by SJ25
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Evidenta wars 12.03.2024

Teuti. Inactivitate
Danette.[ToV] Inactivitate
JoRo[nWo] Invoit
[TMT]REDiNG Invoit
[AIM]Lyce Invoit
cosminzenpai. FW
MariusSW0W FW

Edited by SJ25
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Evidenta wars 13.03.2024

Teuti. Inactivitate
Danette.[ToV] Inactivitate
[eB]sTxAndrei Invoit
[TLG]Eric. Invoit
cRsUK[VIP] Invoit
AlbertoTND47[SIUU] Invoit

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Evidenta wars 14.03.2024

Teuti. Inactivitate
Danette.[ToV] Inactivitate
[AIM]Lyce Invoit
[TLG]Eric. Invoit
cosminzenpai. FW

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Evidenta wars 15.03.2024

marinakeE Banat
1.chiu Banat
[eB]sTxAndrei Invoit
[TMT]REDiNG Invoit
Teuti. Inactivitate
cRsUK[VIP] Invoit
Danette.[ToV] Inactivitate
[LPH].Gabi. Invoit
[AIM]Lyce Invoit
Drakess[uV] AV + amenda $50.000
[TLG]Eric. AV + amenda $50.000
JoRo[nWo] AV + amenda $50.000
FORNO[VIP] AV + amenda $50.000
cosminzenpai. FW

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Evidenta wars 20.03.2024

[eB]sTxAndrei Invoit
[AIM]Lyce Inactivitate
[oC]Thorpe Invoit
AlbertoTND47[SIUU] Invoit
Mahrez[CC] Inactivitate
JoRo[nWo] Invoit
[uN]AmR AV + amenda $50.000
Danette.[ToV] FW

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Evidenta wars 25.03.2024

.Gabi. Banat
Mahrez[CC] Inactivitate
[AIM]Lyce Inactivitate
[uN]AmR FW

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Evidenta wars 26.03.2024

.Gabi. Banat
Mahrez[CC] Inactivitate
[AIM]Lyce Inactivitate
cRsUK[VIP] Invoit
[uN]AmR FW

Edited by SJ25
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Evidenta wars 28/03/2024


sTxAndrei - invoit
Th3_Cosmin - invoit
FORNO - Invoit
Mahrez - inactivitate
Lyce - inactivitate

Edited by Teoo
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Evidenta Wars  01/04/2024 (500 de secunde LV & 300 secunde SF/LS)

Membrii învoiți: Teuti. sTxAndrei .Adrian.ZEW Th3_Cosmin
Sancțiuni: cRsUK Absent 1/2 AV + Amenda 50k Drakess Absent 2/2 wars Faction Warn FORNO Absent 2/2 wars Faction Warn

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