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Avengers Assemble


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Movie title: Avengers Assemble

Release date: 4th May 2012

Type: Superhero

Actors: Robert Downie Junior, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo and more.

Description: Loki has obtained power from an unknown source in a hidden part of space, where nobody knew it even existed. As he means to strike on the planet Earth in vengeance of a thrown, Nick Fury must assemble a team of the worlds most mightiest heroes which can stop his army. As things couldn't get any worse, Loki has his own septor which has the power to use the Tesseracts power in any form he wishes, including opening a portal to space.

c0w rating: 10/10

Comment: Very nice family fun film, has a lot of jokes and contains a lot of superheroes all in one, to make a great film!

See the trailer below for the epic movie preview:

Thanks for reading, please be sure to watch the movie as soon as possible, and have a nice day.


c0w Reviews 2014.

All made by "cows" B-Zone Community forum member.

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