Zipper cu punct Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 Propun ca portalele personale sa duca fiecare in alta parte a Nether-ului si nu toate in acelasi loc cum e acum pentru ca asa am putea sa exploram mai mult din el si nu ar mai trebui sa pornim mereu din acelasi loc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kzi 12 Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 Da nu pornesti din acelasi loc cu ceilalti. Cand iti faci portal spre nether si il pornesti se face un portal automat in nether intr-un loc random Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zipper cu punct Posted May 9, 2014 Author Share Posted May 9, 2014 Tin sa te contrazic, mie nu mi se intampla asta, ma da in acelasi loc mereu si daca intru in portalele din plainbiome si daca intru in portalul meu de acasa si daca intru in ala al vecinilor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kzi 12 Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 (edited) pe mine ma da in diferite locuri daca intru in alte portale EDIT: dar daca portalele celelalte sunt in apropriere de casa ta/portalul tau atunci chiar te teleporteaza in acelasi loc. Edited May 9, 2014 by Hu3XXXGaming Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoRO Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 Ca sa conectezi 2 portale nether(overworld+nether) iei coordonatele x/z din overworld si le imparti la 8, la coordonatele care rezulta creezi un portal in nether la coordonatele respective. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RecklesS Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 Habar naveti , ziper are dreptate , te da in acelas loc nu foarte apropiat dar in acelas loc , eu daca opresc portalu si il repornesc numa in locu ala ma da... un prieten numai in perete il fi bine sa fie suprafata mai mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoRO Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 (edited) @reck tu nu ai habar Basic Knowledge: Nether World is related to the Normal World in the 1:8 ratio in terms of distances. When you move 1 block in the Nether, it corresponds to 8 blocks in the Normal World. This does not apply on the Y-Axis, the Nether Realm has the full 128 layers and is 1:1. The following always happens when you enter a portal:Summary version Calculate the destination coordinate based on the entry coordinate. (X, Y, Z) <---> (X*8, Y, Z*8). That is, the X and Z coordinates are multiplied or divided by 8, depending on direction of travel. The Y coordinate is not modified. At destination, the game looks for the closest active portal block within a 128 block radius of the player (257x257x128 tall area centered on destination coordinate). An active portal is defined as a portal block that does not have another portal block below it, thus only the 2 lowest portal blocks in the obsidian frame are considered. If one exists, teleport the player to the closest one. If no active portal blocks exists in the above search region, the game creates one by looking for the closest possible valid position within a 16 radius column (33x33x128 tall area centered on the destination coordinate) that has enough space to spawn a portal and is on solid ground. The game prefers to create the exit portal with the same facing orientation as the entry portal, but will check the other 3 directions as well. Regardless of orientation, the closest valid position is always picked. And if there are no valid spawn locations within the spawn region above, the game will finally create a portal at the destination coordinate (and clamp the Y-coordinate to between 70 and 118), converting any blocks (including air blocks) in the way into a portal. Such a portal has 4 extra obsidian blocks placed on both sides of the portal to prevent the player from falling. daca un jucator in overworld la maxim 1024 de blocuri distanta de tine a creat un portal inaintea ta automat se va conecta la portalul lui. Fa cum am zis mai sus, imparte coordonatele x/z la 8 si creaza un portal in nether la coordonatele respective, inaltimea nu conteaza. Edited May 9, 2014 by BuAzZz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vennom Posted May 10, 2014 Share Posted May 10, 2014 Asa e minecraftul. Si daca joci in single player tot asta se intampla. Nu toate portalele duc in acelasi loc. Totusi, o sa ma gandesc ce pot face sa fie ceva mai usoara orientarea si gameplay-ul in nether. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AIM Katzuno Valoare Posted May 19, 2014 Share Posted May 19, 2014 Topic Closed A raspuns razvan in locul meu, iar eu consider ca informatiile lui BuaZzZ sunt destul de clare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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