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Cloudbuilt (2014)
2014 | PC | Developer: Coilworks | Publisher: Rising Star Games | 786 MB
Language: Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish
Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person

Cloudbuilt - dynamic indie platformer from young studio Coilworks. You will manage a cute little man, who will be equipped with a jetpack. This game reminds both Mirror's Edge and Sonic, since it will be a high speed main character and interesting elements of parkour, such as long jumping and running on the walls. Players will have to demonstrate their ingenuity and reflexes traveling ruins hovering clouds of watercolor. In the journey to meet numerous hazards that can be overcome in various ways. It promises to add to Cloudbuilt replayability and variety.

Players will have to demonstrate their ingenuity and reflexes traveling ruins hovering clouds of watercolor.
In the
journey to meet numerous hazards that can be overcome in various ways. It promises to add to Cloudbuilt replayability and variety.

Features of release:
Do not cut / recoded
Sewn Update 18

System requirements:
Operating System: - Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Processor: -
Intel Core 2 Duo - 2,0 GHz or AMD's antologichnoe
Memory: - 2 GB
Video: - 512 MB with support for OpenGL 3.2

Sound device: - DirectX 10
Hard disk space: - 3 GB




Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061447639-cloudbuilt-2014-multi7-v10-upd18-repack-by-rg-mechanics.html#.U7U5R0D5P20

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