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Cult of the Wind


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Cult of the Wind
Developer: North of Earth | Publisher: North of Earth | 101 MB
Genre: Action, Indie

In Cult of the Wind, players compete and cooperate in ritualistic multi-player human dogfights, complete with imaginary weapons, pretend explosions, and airplane noises made with their mouths. Shower your friends in a hail of imaginary bullets and proclaim, “I got you! You have to lie down,” to which they respond, “Nuh-uh, I have a shield.” You argue about whether or not airplanes can have shields, meanwhile some other guy does a cannonball onto your head while whistling. It’s great.

With an intuitive point-and-click level editor you’ll be
able to craft new levels or modify existing ones, then immediately share them with anyone on a server, even if you aren’t the host. You can also craft a personalized appearance for your character with numerous articles of clothing and more.


- Simple, robust level editor
- Instantly share your creations with others
- Character customization
- Dozens of imaginary weapons and
- Infinitely expandable content
- Blindingly high-speed mock combat
- Weird noises


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