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SurVive On My Plan


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Ok Well. This is new event is now Existent By SaMp_Killer ok now, in this event i need the plan u can see in the picture and people need to stand on the plan.

Now, when everyone on the plan i wait 1-2 minutes i see no one come/can be on the plan i start to fly everyone need to survive on my plan when any second i need to do

""Wrong"" move with my plan and some guys can pull down.. =[ said )))))))))))))) now the last stay's on the plan he's the winner and of course he gets from me/anyone else 2m now it wasn't so hard to find out this event but any start is hard and i need to say thnx to piticul! he Too ot Tcc or some thing else only of admins he told the people on the even of course no many came.. but after a few minutes came like 10-15-20 people in this picture u can see hmm like 6-7 people cause it was "The end" many other people pulled down and our 2 Winners were Blaki and Hoot.. someone from Corlone really one word Bravo but Blaki has won and he got the 2m from me so guys! the event is really really fun! and he talking only about to be lucky guy cause u don't need to kill or something else and u can't be on afk[anyway u can pull down so it doesn't metter] hmm Really try this event cause it's gonna be F******[i can't curse] Fun!!!!!! so please come try and you'll be surprise Have a good Day!

Same Ss





=] And thnx to Scorpion and to my friends in stracci and to he's friends for helped me to make sure this event gonna be F**** ExisTent!!!!!!!!!! Pa-Pa And of course to Piticul 2 and now Pa-Pa!!!!!!!!!

i hope people know english




Ok Ei bine. Acest eveniment este nou este acum existentă Prin SaMp_Killer:) ok acum, în acest caz, am nevoie de u plan poate vedea în imagine şi oamenii au nevoie să stea cu privire la planul.

Acum, când toată lumea de pe planul I, aşteptaţi 1-2 minute i se vedea nimeni nu veni / poate fi pe am de gând să înceapă să zboare nevoie de toată lumea pentru a supravietui pe planul meu atunci când orice am două trebuie să faci

"" Wrong "" muta cu planul meu, iar unele baietii pot trage în jos .. = [A spus )))))))))))))) acum staţi trecut cu privire la planul de el e câştigătorul şi, desigur, el primeste de la mine / altcineva 2m acum ea nu a fost atât de greu de găsit în acest caz, dar orice început este greu şi am nevoie să spun thnx pentru a Piticul! el a tcc Prea OT sau unele lucru altceva numai de administratori, a declarat el oameni de pe chiar şi, desigur, nu a venit de multe .. dar după câteva minute a venit ca 10.15.20:) u oameni în această imagine se poate vedea ca hmm 6-7 oameni cauza a fost "The End" multe alte persoane tras în jos şi Câştigătorii noştri 2 au fost Blaki şi Hoot .. pe cineva de la Corlone într-adevãr un singur cuvânt Bravo, dar Blaki a câştigat şi el a luat 2m de la mine asa baieti! Evenimentul este cu adevărat foarte distractiv! şi el a vorbit doar despre a fi u tip norocos cauza nu au nevoie de a ucide sau altceva şi u nu poate fi pe AFK [oricum u a putea trage în jos, astfel că nu Metter] hmm Really încercaţi acest eveniment Cause it's va fi F ******[ I nu pot blestem] Fun !!!!!! aşa încât vă rugăm încercaţi să vină şi veţi fi surpriza:) Sa ai o zi buna!






LeVeL:11 [yet=]

Faction:Stracci Family

Last Factions:Taxi Cab Company

N.B Cr1spy is rock :)

House: when i be a cop i'll get a lot of money and i'll buy a house for newbies for 1$ and one house only for me :) but the house for newbies will be nice Re:)

Business: hmm.. I don't know.. i think a have a long way..

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Dude i made this messege Twice cause i wanted to do one language english and for the others one language romain what so hard to under stand even i do something players in b-zone only know to complain so shut up.. and if u want more info today maybe in 18:00-20:00 i'll make another Event exactly like what u saw in the pictures so stop crying stop complain and see what i got.

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Va zic eu: El va avea un avion si voi trebuie sa va urcati pe el. El va zbura cu avionu in asa fel in cat sa cadeti. Ultimul care ramane pe avion castiga un premiu. El este israelian si nu stie romana. A scris in engleza si a tradus in romana prin GoogleTranslate.

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Ok.... thanks for sharing us your idea about the event ... But, here are annouced events that will come , not that are allready finished :)


If you want to make it again , put here the hour/date of the event ...


BTW:It's plane not plan xD

Edited by AlexRomanu
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Listen guys.. someone asked me how can he get into the event so the event is in Airport sf near to the plans where is all the plans the plans is name "Shamal" is big enoughe plan to take on it like 10-30/35 players and get to fly

ok now,nothing is ready yet the event will be soon i only show u what i wanna do it was Demostration to my idea it was once trial and i wanna see if it will work at i done to do my things so last words this event will be soon. By SaMp_Killer more questions please write here/send me a messege. $-)

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