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Overcome your food cravings the healthy way


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All of us have at some point, suddenly craved for something particular to eat. Experts, however, say there are scientific reasons you crave certain foods. Here's what your cravings mean and how you can overcome them — in a healthy way...

Chocolate: When you crave for chocolate, it means that your body is low on magnesium and requires it. Experts suggest you have magnesium-rich foods like nuts, pulses and dates, packed with a healthy amount of magnesium. And if you must have chocolate, go in for the dark variety, which is healthier.
Bread: Craving for bread? Experts say that when you eat carbs, they trigger the brain's production of serotonin. This hormone is also known as the 'happy' hormone. Swap that bread for healthy low GI carbohydrates, which energize you and make you feel full for long. Include lentils, oats, sweet potatoes and beans in your diet.
Sugar: If you are craving for sugar, your body needs chromium. Stock up on foods like whole grains and apples, which have great chromium content. You could add dry fruits or honey in a bowl of porridge. This will fill you up, and keep cravings at bay.
Red meat: Studies show that when you crave red meat, it means your body requires iron.Experts suggest you eat fish, beans, pulses and nuts, and go in for lean meat.
Salty foods: If you crave for salty foods, you could be suffering from high stress levels. Chuck processed salty foods and opt for baked potato or popcorn. Meditation and yoga are excellent ways to unwind.

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/Overcome-your-food-cravings-the-healthy-way/articleshow/44772839.cms?

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