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LS School Instructors - Preţurile licenţelor şi testul fiecărei licenţe / Licenses prices and license test


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Scurtă descriere a testelor de aptitudini pentru fiecare licenţă:



Fishing license (Nivel 1+):


Adresati clientului urmatoarele Intrebari:


  1. Cu ce comanda pescuiești? ( Raspuns: Prin intermediul comenzii [/FISH] ).
  2. Unde pescuiești? ( Raspuns: La debarcaderul din LV / Job Fish ).
  3. Unde vinzi pestele? ( Raspuns: La un biz de tip 24/7 ).
  4. Ce primești dacă vei pescui fară licența de fishing? ( Raspuns: Wanted Nivel 1 de fiecare dată când vei pescui. )


Clientul trebuie sa raspunda corect & complet la toate intrebarile, in caz contrar va fi declarat picat.



Sailing license (Nivel 1+):


  • Pentru testul din LS:

Conduceti clientul pana la Fishing Boat LS ( in apropiere de HQ Green Street Bloods ) (Click!); 

Cereti clientului sa navigheze pana la Plaja LS (Click!) si inapoi (dus-intors);

Clientul nu are voie sa navigheze cu viteza excesiva, sa atinga barca de vreun obiect sau sa produca orice alt tip de accident (daca barca are mai putin de 950.0 HP la finalizarea testului, clientul nu mai primeste licenta).

  • Pentru testul din LV:

Conduceti clientul pana la Fishing Boat LV (Click!);

Cereti clientului sa navigheze pana la fosta baza National Guard (Click!) si inapoi (dus-intors);

Clientul nu are voie sa navigheze cu viteza excesiva, sa atinga barca de vreun obiect sau sa produca orice alt tip de accident (daca barca are mai putin de 950.0 HP la finalizarea testului, clientul nu mai primeste licenta).


  • Pentru testul din SF:

Conduceti clientul pana la West Docks San Fiero (Click!);

Cereti clientului sa navigheze pana la portul din BaySide (Click!) si inapoi (dus-intors);

Clientul nu are voie sa navigheze cu viteza excesiva, sa atinga barca de vreun obiect sau sa produca orice alt tip de accident (daca barca are mai putin de 950.0 HP la finalizarea testului, clientul nu mai primeste licenta).



Flying license (Nivel 1+):


Clientul trebuie sa inceapa testul de pe aeroportul din Los Santos.

Trebuie sa-i specificati ca aceasta poate sa piloteze pana la aeroportul din Las Venturas/aeroportul din San Fierro sau pana pe Cladirea cea mai inalta din Los Santos, unde este necesar sa aterizeze si sa se intoarca pe Aeroportul din Los Santos.

**Daca HP-ul Maverick-ului scade sub 950.0HP in timpul testului, acesta nu mai poate primi licenta, incepand din nou testul daca doreste.

Nota: Testul poate fi inceput si din Las Venturas sau San Fierro, respectand aceleasi reguli precizate mai sus.



Materials license (Nivel 1+):

- Adresati clientului urmatoarele Intrebari :

  1. Cu ce comanda Cumperi Materiale? ( Raspuns: /GetMaterials )
  2. Cu ce comanda Vinzi o Arma? ( Raspuns: /SellGun ID/Nume Arma Suma )
  3. Unde nu ai voie sa Vinzi Arme? ( Raspuns: In SafeZone-uri )
  4. Enumera 5 Safezones: ( CNN LS/SF/LV GunShop LS/SF/LV si asa mai departe, sunt foarte multe )


Clientul trebuie sa raspunda corect & complet la toate intrebarile, in caz contrar va fi declarat picat.



Weapon license (Nivel 5+):

- Adresati clientului urmatoarele Intrebari :


  1. Enumera 5 arme din GTA. 
  2. Care este comanda pentru a vedea zonele sigure? (/safezones)
  3. Ce nu ai voie sa faci in zonele sigure? (DM)
  4. Precizeaza comanda completa cu care achizitionezi o arma. (/buygun <arma> <numar gloante> )
  5. De unde poti cumpara arme? (Raspuns: De la orice biz de tip GunShop - GSLS, GSLV, GSSF ).


Clientul trebuie sa raspunda corect & complet la toate intrebarile, in caz contrar va fi declarat picat.



>> Jucatorii cu nivel mai mare de 50 nu mai sustin testele pentru licente, dar platesc dublu pentru ele.




Brief description of the aptitude tests for each license:

Fishing license (Level 1+):

-Adress the following questions to the client:

What command are you fishing with? (Answer: Through the [/FISH] command).
where do you fish (Answer: At the pier in LV / Job Fish).
Where do you sell the fish? (Answer: In a 24/7 business).
What do you get if you fish without a fishing license? ( Answer: Wanted Level 1 every time you fish. )

The client must answer correctly and completely to all questions, otherwise he will be declared failed.

Sailing license (Level 1+):

For the LS test:
Drive the client to Fishing Boat LS (near HQ Green Street Bloods) (Click!);
Ask the client to navigate to LS Beach (Click!) and back (round trip);
The customer is not allowed to sail at excessive speed, touch the boat to any object or cause any other type of accident (if the boat has less than 950.0 HP at the end of the test, the customer no longer receives the license).

For the LV test:
Drive the client to Fishing Boat LV (Click!);
Ask the client to navigate to the former National Guard base (Click!) and back (round trip);
The customer is not allowed to sail at excessive speed, touch the boat to any object or cause any other type of accident (if the boat has less than 950.0 HP at the end of the test, the customer no longer receives the license).

For the SF test:
Drive the client to West Docks San Fiero (Click!);
Ask the client to navigate to the port in BaySide (Click!) and back (round trip);
The customer is not allowed to sail at excessive speed, touch the boat to any object or cause any other type of accident (if the boat has less than 950.0 HP at the end of the test, the customer no longer receives the license).

Flying license (Level 1+):

The customer must start the test at the Los Santos airport.
You must specify that it can fly to Las Venturas airport/San Fierro airport
Or up to the tallest building in Los Santos, where it is necessary to land and return to Los Santos Airport.
**If Maverick's HP drops below 950.0HP during the test, it can no longer receive the license, starting the test again if it wishes.

Note: The test can also be started from Las Venturas or San Fierro, following the same rules specified above.

Materials license (Level 1+):

- Ask the client the following questions:

With what order do you buy materials? ( Answer: /GetMaterials )
With what order do you sell a weapon? ( Answer: /SellGun ID/Gun Name Amount )
Where are you not allowed to sell weapons? (Answer: In SafeZones)
List 5 Safezones: (CNN LS/SF/LV GunShop LS/SF/LV and so on, there are many)

The client must answer correctly and completely to all questions, otherwise he will be declared failed.

Weapon license (Level 5+):

- Ask the client the following questions:

List 5 weapons from GTA. ( Here you have the List ( WEAPONS, BE CAREFUL! Click!)

What command shows you the safe zones? (/safezones)
What can't you do in safe zones? (DM)
Specify the complete order with which you purchase a weapon. (/BuyGun GUN NUMBER OF BULLETS)
Where can you buy weapons? (Answer: From any GunShop type biz - GSLS, GSLV, GSSF).

The client must answer correctly and completely to all questions, otherwise he will be declared failed.

>> Players above level 50 no longer take license tests, but pay double for them.


Edited by Stoony ToV
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