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LS School Instructors - Informaţii și noutăți | Informations and news


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Los Santos School Instructors este o factiune pasnica ce se ocupa cu instruirea jucatorilor avand in vedere acordarea licentelor:

  • Weapon (puteti detine o arma),
  • Materials (puteti achizitiona materiale avand ca scop vinderea armelor sau a materialelor procurate),
  • Fishing (permite pescuitul legal),
  • Flying (permite pilotarea unui avion/elicopter), 
  • Sailing (permite navigarea unei barci).

Aceasta factiune este bazata pe activitate, seriozitate, disciplina si bun simt.


Cerinte minime pentru a intra in Los Santos School Instructors:


Informatii despre sanctiuni:

  • Daca nu respectaţi regulamentul si tot ce tine de facțiune, veti fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn;
  • Un Avertisment Verbal valoreaza cat o jumatate de Faction Warn.
    La acumularea a
    2 Avertismente Verbale veti fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn;
  • La 3/3 Faction Warn-uri acumulate, veti fi Demisi din Los Santos School Instructors
    (daca va aflati in primele
    2 saptamani, veti fi Demisi cu 60/60FP);
  • Pentru a scapa de Avertisment Verbal sau Faction Warn, trebuie sa dati dovada de cumintenie si seriozitate maxima.


Comenzi disponibile membrilor Los Santos School Instructors:

  • /GiveLicense [Numele Licentei] [ID-ul Clientului] - Ofera licenta clientului;
  • /StartLesson [ID-ul Clientului] [Numele Licentei] - Incepe o lectie cu clientul;
  • /StopLesson [ID-ul Clientului] - Finalizeaza o lectie cu clientul;
  • /F - Chat-ul Factiunii;
  • /SX - Chat-ul tuturor factiunilor de tip School Instructors;
  • /RequestLicenses [ID-ul Clientului] - Afiseaza licentele clientului;
  • /Tog > Afiseaza Chat-ul Factiunii - Inchide/Deschide chat-ul factiunii;
  • /SpawnChange - Schimba locatia unde vei fi spawnat;
  • /Members - Afiseaza membrii factiunii;
  • /Accept NeedLicense [ID-ul Clientului] - Accepta cererea unui client;
  • /Cancel NeedLicense [ID-ul cui ii dai Cancel] - Anuleaza apelul unui client;
  • /FVR - Respawneaza vehiculele factiunii;
  • /FtalkPower - Restrictioneaza chat-ul pentru un anumit rank;
  • /ServiceCalls - Afiseaza lista celor care au solicitat un instructor;

Cerinte minime pentru a fi promovat:

  1. Trebuie sa aveti o anumita vechime in factiune precizata in Regulamentul Factiunilor si Liderilor;
  2. Sa fiti cinstiti si seriosi;
  3. Sa stiti ce inseamna a lucra in echipa si sa dovediti asta;
  4. Sa fiti activi;
  5. Sa aveti un limbaj decent;
  6. Sa nu luati pe nimeni la misto sau sa va comportati neadecvat cu acesta;
  7. Sa n-aveti reclamatii serioase;
  8. Sa fiti dedicati factiunii;
  9. Sa va implicati in activitatile pe care le facem.


Informatii legate de raportul de activitate:

  • Rank 1: 10 licente (Nivel 1-49);
  • Rank 2: 10 puncte + 10 licente (Nivel 1-49);
  • Rank 3: 15 puncte + 10 licente (Nivel 1-49);
  • Rank 4: 15 puncte;
  • Rank 5: 10 puncte;
  • Rank 6+: Raportul nu este obligatoriu.


Atributiile fiecarui rank:


Rank 1 (Trainee):

  • Sunt “bobocii” si sunt cei in probe (perioada de teste - 2 săptămâni).
  • Orice greşeală poate duce la demiterea lor dacă sunt în perioada de teste (2 săptămâni) şi se aplică Faction Punish dacă nu aveţi cele 2 săptămâni.
  • Cei de Rank 1 (Trainee) trebuie să asculte de cei de rank mai mare, mai ales de lider şi sublider.
  • La şedinţe aceştia pot fi demişi pe motivul picării perioadei de probe / plângeri serioase / lipsă de activitate.
  • De asemenea trebuie să stea mult cu cei de rank 2+ pentru a prinde experienţă în vânzarea licenţelor.
  • Ca o scurtă idee, cei de rank 1 trebuie să asculte de lider/sublider sau cei cu rank mai mare, şi să nu se abată de la regulament.


Rank 2 (Instructor):

  • Sunt membrii cu ceva experienţă care au fost promovaţi.
  • Aceştia au ieşit din perioada de probe dar asta nu înseamnă că se pot abate de la regulament.
  • Pot primi la fel de usor un Faction Warn/Avertisment Verbal sau pot fi chiar demişi.
  • Ei trebuie să îi ghideze pe cei de rank 1, să le dea sfaturi, să le reamintească care sunt priorităţile lor ca “rank 1”.
  • Nu au voie să le dea ordine bobocilor care i-ar putea duce la sancţionări sau chiar la demitere, astfel de ordine vor fi sanctionate cu demitere sau rank down.


Rank 3 (Senior Instructor):

  • Sunt consideraţi veterani, membrii cu experienţă în Los Santos School Instructors.
  • Trebuie să îi coordoneze pe cei de rank mai mic şi să îi ajute cu sfaturi deoarece sunt consideraţi membrii care au trecut prin multe situaţii.


Rank 4 (Supervisor):

  • Sunt deja membrii de bază ai facţiunii Los Santos School Instructors.
  • Aceştia au dreptul de a oferi licenţe celor ce au un rank mai mic. Totodata, cei de rank 4 au dreptul să sustina testul de intrare cu cei acceptaţi.


Rank 5 (Manager):

  • Sunt membrii de mare încredere. Liderul/subliderul le pot cere sfaturi în luarea anumitor decizii (propuneri pentru facţiune s.a.m.d).
  • Au dreptul de a coordona atât membrii cât şi întreaga facţiune, au dreptul de a lua decizii în lipsa liderului/subliderului.






Los Santos School Instructors is a peaceful faction that deals with the training of players considering the granting of licenses: Weapon (you can own a weapon), Materials (you can purchase materials with the aim of selling the weapons or purchased materials), Fishing (allows legal fishing) , Flying (allows you to pilot a plane/helicopter) and Sailing (allows you to navigate a boat).
This faction is based on activity, seriousness, discipline and common sense.
Minimum requirements to enter Los Santos School Instructors:
- minimum level 7;
- application on the website (when the applications are open);
- knowledge of the regulations of peaceful factions;
- knowledge of the internal regulation;
- knowledge of the regulations of the other important topics;
- passing the entrance test (if you were accepted);
Information about sanctions:
- If you do not respect the rules and everything related to the faction, you will be sanctioned with a
Faction Warn;
- A
Verbal Warning is worth half a Faction Warn. Upon accumulating 2 Verbal Warnings you will be sanctioned with Faction Warn;
- At
3 accumulated Faction Warns, you will be dismissed from LS School Instructors (if you are in the first 2 weeks, you will be dismissed with 60/60FP);
- In order to get rid of a
Verbal Warning or Faction Warn, you have to show the utmost courtesy and seriousness.
Orders available to Los Santos School Instructors members:
/givelicense [license name] [client id] - give the license to the client;
/startlesson [client id] [license name] - start a lesson with the client;
/stoplesson [client id] - completes a lesson with the client;
/f - faction chat;
/sx - the chat of all School Instructors type factions;
/requestlicenses [client id] - displays client licenses;
/tog > Show faction chat - close/open faction chat;
/spawnchange - change the location where you will be spawned;
/members - displays faction members
/accept needlicense [client id] - accept a client's request;
/cancel needlicense [the ID to which you cancel] - cancels a customer's call;
/fvr - respawn faction vehicles;
/ftalkpower - restricts the chat for a certain rank;
/servicecalls - displays the list of those who requested an instructor;
Minimum requirements to be promoted:
- you must have a certain seniority in the faction specified in the regulations of factions and leaders;
- to be honest and serious;
- to know what it means to work in a team and to prove it;
- to be active;
- have a decent language;
- do not take anyone for granted or behave inappropriately with them;
- to have no serious complaints;
- to be dedicated to the faction;
- to get involved in the activities we do.

Information related to the activity report:

  • Rank 1: 10 licenses (level 1-49);
  • Rank 2: 10 points + 10 licenses (level 1-49);
  • Rank 3: 15 points + 10 licenses (level 1-49);
  • Rank 4: 15 points;
  • Rank 5: 10 points;
  • Rank 6+: report is not mandatory.


The attributes of each rank:

Rank 1 (Trainee):

- there are the "freshmen" and there are those in trials (trial period - 2 weeks). Any mistake can lead to their dismissal if they are in the testing period (2 weeks) and Faction Punish applies if you don't have the 2 weeks. Those of rank 1 (Trainee) must obey those of higher rank, especially the leader and sub-leader.
Considering that they are in the trial period, they should pay attention to the machines and fuel them (even if those with a higher rank don't do it, or forget.) At meetings they can be dismissed for failing the trial period / serious complaints / lack of activity. He also has to spend a lot of time with those of rank 2+ to gain experience in selling licenses. As a brief idea, those of rank 1 must obey the leader/subleader or those with a higher rank, and not deviate from the rules.


Rank 2 (Instructor):

- there are members with some experience who have been promoted. They are out of the trial period, but that doesn't mean they can deviate from the rules. They can just as easily get a Faction Warn/Verbal Warning or even get dismissed. They must guide the rank 1s, give them advice, remind them what their priorities are as "rank 1". They are not allowed to give orders to freshmen that could lead to sanctions or even dismissal, such orders will be sanctioned with dismissal or rank down.


Rank 3 (Senior Instructor):

- are considered veterans, members with experience in Los Santos School Instructors. They must coordinate the lower ranks and help them with advice because they are considered members who have been through many situations.


Rank 4 (Supervisor):

- are already core members of the Los Santos School Instructors faction. They have the right to offer licenses to those with a lower rank. At the same time, those of rank 4 have the right to take the entrance test with those accepted.


Rank 5 (Manager):

- they are highly trusted members. The leader/sub-leader can ask them for advice in making certain decisions (proposals for the faction, etc.). They have the right to coordinate both the members and the whole faction, they have the right to make decisions in the absence of the leader/sub-leader.


Edited by TLG Liviu.ValsteD
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