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SF School Instructors - News and Announcements


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Important announcement


Updated a rule: 


We have a new updated rule about rank up promotions:





You are not allowed to ask for rank-up, anything about rank-up or requesting rank-up promotion to the leader. It doesn't matter which chat you're asking for.  (Punishment: Faction Warn.)




 Rank-up requests are allowed, but not in an abusive way, spamming the leader. Anyone who breaks the rule may receive a Faction Warn.



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Important announcement


Everybody Check "Internal Regulation" and Licenses Costs & Procedures Topics again (You can acces here by clicking on them) There are majoy changes of some rules. In order to adapt the rules, the mistakes you make in the first 48 hours will be ignored, but the mistakes you made after 48 hours will be punished.


Here is the details about RULES:



CURRENT:: Members can participate in rob whenever they want.
NEW: You are allowed to Rob at any time, as long as you don't Rob before the start of a faction event/sessions.

CURRENT: Rank 2+ instructors who refuse to grant licenses & take tests with players below level 50 (telling them on SMS that they don't want to or through other methods) will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. I will sanction only with clear evidence.
NEW: Members of rank 2+ who are on duty (ON DUTY) have the obligation NOT to refuse clients who request them to grant licenses, otherwise they will receive a Faction Warn
It is also sanctioned if, when you receive the message, it is proven that you were at work, and then you intentionally leave The fact that you receive messages and refuse if you are OFF Duty is not sanctioned

Fishing license (level 1+):
ask the client to drive to the fishing location (job) using a company car (or personal car).

Fishing license (level 1+):
Ask 4 questions (What command do you fish with? Where do you fish? Where do you sell the fish you catch? What do you get if you fish without a fishing license)

Materials license (level 3+):
ask the customer to drive to any material depot

Materials license (level 3+):
Ask 4 questions (What order do you buy materials with? What order do you sell weapons with? Where are you not allowed to sell weapons? List 5 Safezones)

Weapon license (level 5+):
With what order do you see the safe areas and what is forbidden to do in these areas?

Weapon license (level 5+):
What are you forbidden to do in a SafeZone?

When an LSSI member takes on a client that has not given a [/needlicense], the member must ask [/SX] if the player has been accepted by someone else. If no one answers within 5 seconds, take a picture and continue testing with that customer.
Example: "Has anyone accepted Name (ID)?". This rule will reduce the problem of customer theft and reduce spam on [/SX].

Merit and Sultan can be used when you have to give licenses to someone or as a means of transport to another car. You have to respawn them and take care of them. Whoever walks with him for personal purposes receives Faction Warn.

At [/Rob] you can take any weapon, but don't Death-Match civilians, even if you gave [/Rob]. Violators will receive a Faction Warn.

You are allowed to ask about the srob at any time on the common chat [/sx].

If you have taken a client and you can no longer test with him, GIVE HIM TO ANOTHER COLLEAGUE, do not give [/Q] or tell him I have to go. Anyone who doesn't follow the rule will receive a Faction Warn.

If your student fails the test, you must explain to him where he went wrong and give him the correct answer for the question he failed.

You are forbidden to take the test with your client in English if he does not speak English, and vice versa, if the client is a foreigner and he does not speak Romanian. Anyone who violates this rule receives a Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn if it continues.

An instructor has the obligation to announce [/f] when he takes a car from HQ. Whoever does not respect this rule will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn (except for rank 5+ members).

When you take a car, announce the reason. Ex.: "Merit/Sultan to me to look for clients". Whoever does not respect this rule will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.

Rank 1-3 members will need permission from a rank 4+ in that city to use the boats/aircraft (model: [/sx] LVSI/SFSI can take Maverick/Speeder? - Client)

If after 3 consent requests absolutely no one will answer, then the 4th time you can still use Maverick/Speeder for tests.
Rank 4-5 members can take other factions' aircraft/boats without asking permission (model: [/sx] Maverick/Speeder LV/SF in mine).
Members of rank 6+ do not have to announce anymore.
If there is no rank 4+ member online in that city, the highest rank online (rank 1-3) can give you permission to take the aircraft/boat.

NOTE: You can use the other vehicles of the other School Instructors type factions only for the license tests.
The announcements for passing/failing was removed. Just the announcement model "With me" remains.


Edited by Urkelbama
Mentioned rules:
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Important announcement


This announcement is related to new rule about "Monthly Hours played".


Here is the details about RULES:


  • Players with a minimum time of one year within the faction, who have shown seriousness and commitment, can, upon their request, be exempted from the requirement of accumulating real hours played in a specific month.
  • This benefit can be used only once a year and will exempt you solely from the need for the played hours, not from completing activity reports for that month. You must continue to complete those as usual or choose to request inactivity for the permissible period and use optional reports if you have any remaining period.
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Important announcement



For browser proofs we accept only videos where there is a minimum of one refresh to the page to prove that there is nothing falsified (invalid proofs).

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Important announcement


This announcement model is related to rank 4+ players about the Blacklist: 


The new rule has been added about Blacklist:


Frauding the faction tests is punished with Blacklist with 2 AV for 3 months + Test fail.




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Important announcement


The new level for each license: 


Fishing license: Level 1

Flying license: Level 1

Sailing license: Level 1

Materials license: Level 1

Weapon license: Level 5


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Important announcement


Hello! The new and important rule has been added:


The new rule:


4.14 You are not allowed to give license more than 2 accounts of a player. Except if you unknowingly sell licenses to accounts with different names but has the same owner. However If you know the different account names are owned by the same person and abuse it, You will be punished (Sanction: Faction Warn for the first offence, dismissal if continues).

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Important announcement


For only this month (December) the real hours played has been reduced from 15 to 10. So For this month, you have to make 10 [/goldaward] hours played. Have a nice holiday!

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Posted (edited)

Important Announcement


Sometimes its quite hard for players to find a desired information about the rules, Some on forum some on website etc, we get some difficulties sometimes finding them thats why From now on the rules have been Centralized in one place where all public rules will be present and easier to access them.

you ll find all the rules from now on: 

Most of the rules has remained the same, However we recommend you to reread them again to avoid any surprises.

for more Details
Click Here.

Edited by AdeM nWo
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Posted (edited)

Important Announcement


We have some changes related to the announcements:

From now on, you can make one announcement for all licenses instead of an announcement of each license, to clarify more when you have client under level 50 and he wants X,Y,Z Licenses you can announce one announcement on /f instead of making announcement for each license.


/f " PlayerName (ID) is with me for all licenses Tests"
/f " PlayerName (ID) is with me for Sailing, Flying, Weapon licenses Tests"

For Details Click Here

Edited by AdeM nWo
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Important Announcement


The following rule has been added to the blacklist category:

9.1.5 For DM/DB actions, a player can only be blacklisted if they have not already been sanctioned through [/emergency] or reported within the faction and punished for it, to avoid double penalization of players. (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

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