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[Help] I have a Problem


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Hello , I have Problem . I have lag in my pc , and I don't know how to Fix It , soo if any Player have a Program Or idea About that Problem , Reply

Wait your answer all .

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Well , ( hi ) , Sa3 you Shoud remove some Programmers , or Format your computer


Its Not a Solution [FORMAT COMPUTER] Because I have Serios Programmers need It for School . That's Not solution .
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Have you tried lowering your graphical settings? Also what is your internet speed?

I have a Good Internet ! And the Problem is Start when I Run

1)CSGO and GTA

2)COD and GTA

But when I Run CSGO and COD no lag in those game :/

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Just Put Those " Programmes " in a CD / a bondemaghnetique, .... And Then FOrmat the compu

Those Program can not be IN a CD . :) if I'm going to put them in a CD/DVD , I need a Lottttt of CD

Soo I can't doo that .

Then your problem is at the GTA,or GTA SAMP. Re-install both

Thank u For your help rallyee , but I dooo That
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If you mean that you did renew your gta - samp files,then follow Bruno's advice. Writing the files in a CD (many cd's as you say) has no point. Use an External HDD (Hard Disk Drive) to save them. If you don't have,a USB stick with high capacity (32/64gb) could cover your needs.

Ok , I will Think About That .

Thank u Broo

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No need to format the PC that is the worst advice, you might as well say throw the PC off a cliff.


Does running SAMP alone have the lag? If not then it means your PC cannot handle the two programs at once. What about mode, are you running any mods that could cause this problem?

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Just Try to install some Programms that cleans your PC , like Advanced System Care or AVG pc TuneUP, i'am Sure That these two Programms will Help ya... or if you Have Lag ingame... send me a PM i know Some tricks That Help you to increase fps.

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Better format your PC.

I can't :D

No need to format the PC that is the worst advice, you might as well say throw the PC off a cliff.


Does running SAMP alone have the lag? If not then it means your PC cannot handle the two programs at once. What about mode, are you running any mods that could cause this problem?

Cows , the problem of lag only in GTA Sa-mp . And u ask about mod , YES I run mod Gta [Cars,weapons etc]

Just Try to install some Programms that cleans your PC , like Advanced System Care or AVG pc TuneUP, i'am Sure That these two Programms will Help ya... or if you Have Lag ingame... send me a PM i know Some tricks That Help you to increase fps.

Ok punisher , I will PM u for show me some Tricks
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The source of high ping (slow game and sound of guns are different as you said) are the applications that we use in the same time(it also depends on your internet connection).For example,if I opened Yahoo Messenger/Opera/Skype and GTA San Andreas I will probably have high ping,which means that my game will be lagging.

To stop the lagg you could close some of your applications.
If this does not work,go to:
Options-->Advanced-->Set your Draw Distance to 0.
Options-->Advanced-->Set your Frame Limiter to off.
Options-->Advanced-->Set your Visual FX Quality to off.
Options-->Advanced-->Lower your Resolution until the lagg is no more.(800 x 600 is a decent resolution)
and if you still have same problem here is tip on how to reduce FPS Lag because higher FPS means lesser lag:
To make sure that your FPS will be higher make sure to download these files. File 1 & File 2 !
You must extract them using
Winrar or 7Zip (both programs should work just fine). Copy all the files that you just extracted to your GTA San Andreas folder.
Or try to install Game Booster than run your SAMP with it to make your game more fast.
Hope i helpes you, good luck
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The source of high ping (slow game and sound of guns are different as you said) are the applications that we use in the same time(it also depends on your internet connection).For example,if I opened Yahoo Messenger/Opera/Skype and GTA San Andreas I will probably have high ping,which means that my game will be lagging.

To stop the lagg you could close some of your applications.

If this does not work,go to:

Options-->Advanced-->Set your Draw Distance to 0.

Options-->Advanced-->Set your Frame Limiter to off.

Options-->Advanced-->Set your Visual FX Quality to off.

Options-->Advanced-->Lower your Resolution until the lagg is no more.(800 x 600 is a decent resolution)

and if you still have same problem here is tip on how to reduce FPS Lag because higher FPS means lesser lag:

To make sure that your FPS will be higher make sure to download these files. File 1 & File 2 !

You must extract them using Winrar or 7Zip (both programs should work just fine). Copy all the files that you just extracted to your GTA San Andreas folder.

Or try to install Game Booster than run your SAMP with it to make your game more fast.

Hope i helpes you, good luck

Thx Stephan , I will try it .

Then remove the mods. They are causing the lag.

Ok , I will remove .
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Does running SAMP alone have the lag? If not then it means your PC cannot handle the two programs at once. What about mode, are you running any mods that could cause this problem?

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Does running SAMP alone have the lag? If not then it means your PC cannot handle the two programs at once. What about mode, are you running any mods that could cause this problem?

Man , Cows Tell me that , u Cope/Paste he's Reply

Answer me ? Yes or no !?

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Well I Think You Have A Lot Of Mods of Guns,Hud...

If You Have This Mods Try To delete Some And Fix Your Browser Maybe The Problem Of It all is The Internet


Not problem of The Internet .
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@, we all giving you suggestions to solve your problems but you even not trying what they saying to you.I mean that try to do what they saying, hope you understand. There is also a topic for this same problem; Link => http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/177205-full-guide-samp-rpg-servers-and-forum/=> Tips on how to reduce FPS Lag (Higher FPS means lesser lag) - By Ciccio See this.

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