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F.B.I. - Rapoarte de activitate namecover | Namecover activity reports


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Raport de activitate Namecover | Namecover activity report

Saptamana | week 15.02.2021 - 21.02.2021 ~


 * Special Agent in Charge (4) Members: *

TiG3R[ZEW] Raport corect


 * Supervisory Special Agent (3) Members: *


Shlayde Raport corect

Fr4nK.[ZEW] Raport corect ( + recuperare )
[AIM]Ale[K]s. Raport corect

[uS]Alex Raport corect


* Special Agent (2) Members: *


Catana.[ToV] Raport corect

[FBI].Sm0k3. Raport corect

InSaNe[ToV] Raport corect

hassen[BTD] Raport corect

[FBI]Tiberiuk Raport corect







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Nume: InSaNe[ToV]

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: x1 Drugs Possesion + /confiscate.

Numarul de actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/S12vxFR

Alte precizari: N/A


Nume: InSaNe[ToV]

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: x1 Drugs Possesion + /confiscate.

Numarul de actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/zr6THtj

Alte precizari: Am murit si-am dat /undercover on, sper ca-i bine.


Nume: InSaNe[ToV]

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: x1 Drugs Possesion + /confiscate.

Numarul de actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/Hrw255M

Alte precizari: N/A


Nume: InSaNe[ToV]

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: x1 Drugs Possesion + /confiscate.

Numarul de actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/ku9NKY2

Alte precizari: N/A


Nume: InSaNe[ToV]

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: x1 Drugs Possesion

Numarul de actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/zeJGl13

Alte precizari: P-asta l-am prins si saptamana trecuta. ?


Am cerut probabil peste 10 namecover-uri, dar tot iau crash-uri... :(

I've been asking for more than 10 namecover's, but I keep getting a lot of crashes and then I have to start all over again... :|

Edited by InSaNe
Namecover incorrectly done / Added a new namecover
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Nume: HasseN

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: 1/ https://imgur.com/gallery/D6nmCrW




Numarul de actiuni namecover: x4 Posesie/Folosire droguri

Alte precizari: -

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Raport de activitate Namecover | Namecover activity report

Saptamana | week 22.02.2021 - 28.02.2021 ~



 * Supervisory Special Agent (3) Members: *


[AIM]Ale[K]s. - Raport corect
[uS]Alex - Raport corect
Fr4nK.[ZEW] - Raport corect
Shlayde - Raport corect


* Special Agent (2) Members: *


[FBI].Sm0k3. - Raport corect
[FBI]TiberiuK - Raport optional ( Premiu )
Catana.[ToV] - Raport corect
hassen[BTD] - Raport corect
InSaNe[ToV]  - Raport corect







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Edited by Sonnyy
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On 3/4/2021 at 4:20 PM, Catana said:

Nume: Catana.

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover

Numar de actiuni namecover : 1x Drugs Possesion + /confiscate

Alte precizari : va salut

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Nume: ALex

Rank:  3 

Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/KJ0kJn1

Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1 x Drugs Possesion + /confiscate

Alte precizari:  Am mai facut deoarece in primul am primit undercover am facut ss si la cateva secunde am primit iar . In prima poza apare skin de fata iar in alta apare alt skin dar am primit de 2 ori undercover la cateva minute diferenta . Am spus sa fac inca unul sa fie bine . 

Edited by ALex
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